We all do it.....
We get super excited about trying something or a new goal. We start to tell people about our idea. We make our initial plans and BAM!
The negativity sets in.
What if it doesn’t work? What if people laugh at me? My family might see me fail.
Then slowly after all this negative thinking, we start to talk ourselves out of it. Here are 3 ways to reframe your thinking and push aside your negative thought patterns.
1. Awareness Do you even know you are doing it? You have to be aware of it before you can change it.
2. Ask yourself, are these thoughts true? Are you lying to you? Be an investigator and disprove these thoughts. Go deep and write them down. Then flip those thoughts on their head and write the truth.
3. Now you have to practice it and stay consistent with it. Those new truths that you wrote down, pull them back out.
Now you have to get in the habit of saying those instead. Say your new truths in the morning and right before you go to bed. Time to form a new habit of positive thinking.
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Go out and take inspired action today