"What the heck! Girls in Tech!" with Mama Soup Founder, Joanne Ilaqua

boobs, bods & brains

Apr 25 2022 • 23 mins

You are in a profession that you love to your core. At the same time you see the flaws in the system and the vulnerabilities within the population that you work with. You want to do whatever you can to help make those vulnerabilities turn into strengths AND you want to avoid the wandering hands of those who feel entitled.

What do you do?

Well, if you are Joanne then you create an app wherein you link all kinds of people (parents specifically in this case) so that they can grow in strength from one another based upon the knowledge, compassion and respect that they each have. You are a late 40 something woman with a tech start up and you’re not sure where you’re going with it, but WOW it feels good!! Join us this week as Joanne tells us her tech start up story and find out more about her app by visiting www.mamasoup.ca

boobs, bods & brains is the pairing of the work and interests of hosts Laurel Crossley and Sam Leeson-McCoy. You can learn more about the podcast, its origins and how to become a sponsor by visiting the website: https://boobsbodsandbrains.wixsite.com/my-site

Laurel has been guiding and coaching her clients through life's situations for over 30 years with astounding results. Regardless of age or history, Laurel embraces the story of each person she connects with to help them work towards being the happiest and healthiest version of themselves that they can be. To learn more about Laurel or to schedule time to work with her, visit her website: https://www.littlewellnesscompany.ca

For over two decades Sam has been a consumer of and worked in the realm of women’s and children’s health. She is an expert at helping families start and grow their families and she has watched many of her clients strive to be the best parents they can be while losing a little of themselves in the process. For more information about the services Sam offers, visit her website: www.babyREADY.info

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