10. Niching Down 101

The Financial Coach Academy® Podcast

Jan 19 2023 • 19 mins

You’ve likely heard someone, somewhere talk about “niching” down…but you may not truly understand exactly what that is, or how to do it. And that’s exactly what we’re going to cover today. Your “niche” is just a fancy way to describe who you serve – and how they fit into the world. For example, here at FCA, our niche is financial coaches and people who want to become a successful financial coach.

“Niching” allows you to speak more directly to your intended audience – to stand out from the noise and actually get people to pay attention to your content and your message. But niching isn’t just posting something that says “calling all doctors” - it’s also about the words and images you use, as well as your established expertise.

There are a LOT of potential niches – so don’t worry, you’ll find one that you love (probably in this episode!).