Step Into your Leadership One Curious Choice at a time. You are brilliant at what you do and you want to keep doing it, but your success means you have a bigger role and a team to go with it. Suddenly you are facing a new challenge - leadership! And it’s a challenge that keeps changing and growing with you, Being a leader is easier said than done and you are not really sure what a leader actually does each day.This show is dedicated to helping experts like you become the leader you want to be, to create working worlds that work for you, your business and everyone connected with it. The show is hosted by Bekka Prideaux who shares practical hints, tips and ideas you can take action on based on her 30 years experience as a leader and developing other leaders. You can learn more about becoming a Curious Choice Leader and get access to all the shows and show notes at This first season is all about leading change - in an increasingly uncertain world, one of our few certainties is that we are going to have to lead change for ourselves, our teams and our businesses. We are going to get curious about change itself, about our experiences with change, see what lessons we can learn and then make choices about how we apply them to the next set of changes we need to make.Are you ready to get curious and make some choices? read less