We are continuing our focus on movement when it comes to having a beach-ready body. In this episode, we dive into the practical realities if we want to increase the movement in our lives. Too many of us think it is impossible with our crazy schedule. The truth is it can happen with some specific focus.
Reality One: You’ve Got to Plan
- The movement required to live with a beach-ready body does not happen by accident.
- Planning your exercise time and how you add more movement to your life is something that you have to prioritize.
- The reality is no one can do this for us. We must take personal responsibility for ourselves and our bodies.
- We can blame society and our schedules but we make time for what’s important.
- If we aren’t making time for more movement, we need to be honest and realize we don’t prioritize it enough.
Reality Two: Consistency is Key
- Long-term success is something that we can do regularly.
- We also want to take into account what is fun.
- We all tend to stick with things we enjoy more than things we hate.
- We should look for things we enjoy doing or at least, we enjoy the feeling we have afterwards from having done it.
Reality Three: Variety and Challenges
- One of the great things about different types of exercise is it works our bodies in many ways.
- This keeps things fresh and can help stop the boredom of doing the same thing all the time.
- We recently challenged men to focus on getting under 30% body fat as a starting point.
Challenge: Beach-Ready Body Movement Plan
Step 1: Decide the What
- Starting begins when we decide what we will do to add movement into our lives.
- The best time might be the early morning or at lunch.
- We may need to experiment to find the best time and process but avoiding the issue won’t get anything done.
- The key point is to start with something. Adjustments will come, but if we don’t start we won’t be able to figure the rest out
Step 2: Forget Past Failures & Victories
- Two biggest mindsets that hurt us.
- The first one is where we beat ourselves up for getting so out of shape.
- We also can’t allow our past victories to influence us.
- The goal of a beach-ready body life is to have a process that we enjoy and can stick with for sustained health.
Step 3: Get Help
- Sometimes the best thing we can do to develop consistency is to get help.
- Paid coaching, something online, or a combination of the two.
- Coaching also helps to bring more fun and confidence to our movement plans. When we know what we are doing from our coaching we can enjoy it more.
- We have a special course Physical Health 101 that is a deep dive into making fitness a reality in our lives. Find it at www.thrivingman.com
Step 4: Find Community
- One of the best ways to make movement part of our lives is to join a community.
- Many people go to a class at a gym because of the sense of community and fun it brings.
- We could even get a friend to join us in our new plan. This can bring a challenge and a sense of accountability to both of you
Movement-Focused Final Thoughts
- The beach-ready body is something every one of us can have long-term.
- The key is to develop healthy habits over the long run.
- This isn’t a quick fix and we cannot expect weight to drop off overnight.
- Start this week! Don’t wait until things are perfect or you have a perfect plan.
- You won’t regret it and you will be stronger because of it.