In this episode, I make an announcement to my listeners of the Constructive Liberty podcast. I explain that due to recent changes in my life and a busy schedule, I have to make some adjustments to the frequency of my podcast episodes. Although I love doing the podcast and believe it has been beneficial for both myself and my listeners, circumstances have led me to the decision of temporarily halting production.
I express my appreciation for the opportunities the podcast has provided me, allowing me to improve my communication skills and grow as a person. I hope that my listeners have noticed positive changes as well and that the podcast has had a positive impact on their lives.
While I understand that this news may be disappointing for my audience, I assure them that it is the reality of the situation and a necessary decision for the time being. However, I offer alternative ways to stay connected with me and follow my journey, such as reaching out to me on social media and checking out my other podcasts, Finding the Next Level and Building Small Business.
I express my gratitude for the understanding of my listeners and encourage them to continue their own personal growth and success.