Chronicles of an Urban School Principal

Let's Get Plugged

Apr 22 2022 • 1 hr 2 mins

In a world where there's such a focus on equity in the workplace, we will talk about what that looks like in the school system. Do urban schools receive adequate levels of funding compared to schools in affluent neighborhoods? How do principles fight for a quality education for students in the underrepresented or underprivileged areas? In this episode Dr. Johnson will be sharing an eye-opening perspective of her life and struggles of an urban school principal. She will share her story of real issues that principal's face, and how to overcome the challenges she faced as an educational leader working in an urban public school setting.

Dr. Jerri Johnson has been recognized as a creator of safe spaces, a leader who people trust for consultation and guidance. With over 20 years  of dedication to the Education industry, Dr. Johnson takes pride in supporting her audience and industry colleagues to learn, develop and grow so that in their life journey, they learn how to THRIVE and NOT just SURVIVE.

Dr. Johnson has most recently become an author of the book “Imagine That! Chronicles of an Urban School Principal. She is the owner and sole consultant for EJUC8U (Educate You) Consulting LLC.

She is also the founding Principal of a PreK-2nd grade school and prior to was the Director of Education for the Community Impact Network. With her 20 plus years of experience in Education, she's had the honor of holding several leadership positions while on her mission to drive change in the education industry, and making a difference for students, parents, staff and the community.

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