011: The one about how to fix your leaky marketing funnel

The Conversion Choreography Show

Dec 1 2020 • 36 mins

How many times have you read a piece of copy, and wondered how on earth the writer managed to read your mind? It’s like they have a camera pointing straight into the depths of your amygdala, and they’re speaking directly to you, your darkest fears and your unspoken desires? Then, how many times have you tried to replicate that impact, only to get stuck because you have no idea what to say to make that level of emotional connection with your buyers? What if there was a way to shortcut the process of understanding what really drives your clients to buy...and gain deep insight into the minds of your prospects, without having to analyse every single one of them individually?  The good news is, today’s guest has figured out exactly how to do just that.       Jody Robertson is a retired military pilot turned direct response copywriter who uses her own Primal Persuasion system to create high-converting marketing funnels for ambitious entrepreneurs. Here’s what’s inside: How military persuasion techniques are the secret to writing winning bullets   The real reason why your funnel isn’t generating more sales for your business Russel Brunsen’s little-known secret to online business success (it’s nothing to do with your mindset or expertise) The overwhelming fear that stops talented online business owners from understanding what’s really going on inside their funnels  What is Primal Persuasion and how can it help you write irresistible sales copy?  How understanding ‘life traps’ will give you an exponential edge when it comes to connecting with and converting your audience  3 of the most common life traps that help you delve understand the collective mindset of your market and make more sales  What sequins taught Jody about why persuasion strategies should ONLY be used for good    Jody’s Resources You can find out more about Jody and her Primal Persuasion System via her website http://www.funnelcopyexperts.com (www.funnelcopyexperts.com)  And get onto her new email list by sending her an email at jody@funnelcopyexperts.com https://www.amazon.co.uk/Reinventing-Your-Life-Breakthrough-Behaviour/dp/0452272041/ref=sr_1_1?adgrpid=48649995330&dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAzNj9BRBDEiwAPsL0d9zVvlMf5Oo8dhVXTeWJAHlW5Ww0hD2x35VgJpY68Zy2PaDiBFq9MBoC77kQAvD_BwE&hvadid=259066198995&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1006886&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12505190079255508092&hvtargid=kwd-299832220057&hydadcr=24428_1748934&keywords=reinventing+your+life&qid=1605773513&quartzVehicle=45-608&replacementKeywords=reinventing+your&sr=8-1&tag=googhydr-21 (Grab a copy of Reinventing Your Life by Dr Young and Dr Klosko ) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Influence-Psychology-Robert-Cialdini-PhD/dp/006124189X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=influence&qid=1605774410&sr=8-1 (Grab a copy of Robert Cialdini’s book, Influence) My FREE Resources My https://wordistry.lpages.co/email-story-generator/ (Email Story Generator) that helps you write binge-worthy stories that get you paid  https://wordistry.lpages.co/rawthority/ (The Rawthority Playbook) -  Discover a simple, step-by-step process to craft a unique origin story that converts lukewarm leads into obsessed mega-fans   Check out http://www.wordistry.co.uk/ (www.wordistry.co.uk) to get more info on how Anna can help your business