Why All Christians Should Care About the Catholic Church | Ep. #3

Lively Faith

Jan 14 2023 • 1 hr 31 mins

In this episode, we discuss Bishop Thomas Tobin's upcoming retirement, and why what happens in the Catholic Church is important for all Christians to understand (not just Catholics). We also review two recent surveys from LifeWay and Pew Research revealing how both Evangelicals and Catholics increasingly deny Christian morality. Plus, what does Mark think about New Year's Resolutions?



(00:00) - Introduction

(01:40) - Catholic Bishops must submit their retirement when they turn 75

(04:01) - Why should we care about Catholic Bishops?

(09:28) - What is the "controversy" surrounding Bishop Tobin?

(16:10) - Why so many faithful Christians in Rhode Island admire Tobin

(19:20) - Bishop Tobin's replacement will not be conservative

(22:33) - A Catholic Bishop's power is absolute

(24:25) - The abortion issue is the most important moral issue of our time

(26:29) - It is a Bishop's job to influence people with the Gospel

(27:46) - The public misconception about separation of church and state

(33:18) - The importance of developing a Christian worldview

(35:16) - The consequences of distorting historic Church Tradition

(38:20) - Truth is not determined by democratic majority

(40:28) - Pew Research survey: Rhode Island is the most Catholic state

(44:45) - Declining religiosity is not unique to Catholic Rhode Island

(49:02) - The progressivist vision of history

(52:48) - The importance of guarding against syncretism

(54:16) - The 2022 LifeWay State of Theology survey

(55:10) - An overview of the Arian heresy

(59:22) - Did Scripture or the Church come first?

(1:02:58) - Discussing Sola Scriptura

(1:07:41) - Why professing Christians deny historic Christian truths

(1:11:24) - Religious experience of Baby Boomers

(1:18:54) - Richard Wurmbrand

(1:20:21) - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

(1:22:44) - Saint Maximillian Kolbe

(1:24:16) - Religious experience of Millennials

(1:27:14) - The Gospel requires sacrifice

(1:28:48) - New Year's Resolutions & conclusion


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