MMK EP40 PREVIEW Rachel Brashear and Aaron Tomasko Traditional Jewish Food-cart Knish

Marti's Music Kitchen

May 10 2022 • 1 min

On episode 40 of Marti’s Music Kitchen, the Fun Cooking Podcast with Creative People where anything can happen, we’re taking a trip to NE Portland to visit new friends Rachel Brashear and Aaron Tomasko at their food-cart Sweet Lorraine’s Latkes and More. Rachel and Aaron are both accomplished musicians with several albums under their creative umbrella, including a new release that just hit the air this March!

“We don’t really have this interest in reinventing anything. We want to keep these things alive so they don’t get lost in history,” says Rachel.

On our first ever episode recorded inside a food-cart, they’re showing Marti how they perfected the art of the knish - a traditional Jewish snack - in more ways than just one! Listen along as they discuss songwriting, cooking, family and the creativity of them all.

Check out the full podcast with recipe here!

Aaron, Rachel & Sweet Lorraine’s

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