We are living in a time of overwhelming conflict at an unprecedented scale. It is everywhere, in our homes and in our world.
In this week's podcast, I explore a unique framework and 3 essential components of engaging conflict in a conscious -- and hopefully constructive -- way.
Here's the reframe I invite us to consider: conflict is an altered state.
Like love-making, deep meditation, or psychedelics, conflict does something to our bodies, minds and spirit that is different than our base-line day-to-day state.
What could this mean for how we engage conflict?
In light of this, I break down the 3 essentials for conscious conflict.
Have a listen to learn what these are.
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Ready to step into your own Priestess Path to steward YOUR people through these troubled times? Check out Priestess School, now accepting waitlisters: www.katefontana.com/priestess-school