#MTGACTIONNEWS: Not So Accurate Set Review- Neon Dynasty


Feb 24 2022 • 1 hr 36 mins

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night. This is #MTGACTION4NEWS.


  • MrComboNumber5
  • Murphis

Agenda: - 40 Life in a Dash (Games from the past) - What's the Planechase? (reports on new or old developments in the world of Magic)

- The Weatherlight Report (underused EDH eligible commander and the cards to get you there)

Be sure to check out some of our other podcasts:

- Brews and Builds: Where EDH deck techs are discussed using the CMDTower method

  1. Grains (Establishing your board state, card draw and ramp)
  2. Hops (Interacting with your opponents boards and hand)
  3. Yeast (How we close out and win the game OR accomplishing the goal of the deck)
  4. Spice (Fun add in's that may not have a normal home)

- Where in the Multiverse is Fblthp (diving into the lore of recently old sets, what could have been, what could come, and what actually happened)

  1. Stories That Gets Left Hanging: What was left untold and where do we think it could go
  2. Unexplained Omission: Which characters should have appeared in the most recent visit to said plane
  3. Tinfoil Hat: Next time we visit who do you think we will encounter? (characters, sparks igniting, etc.)

- The Eternal of Hot Takes (correlate Legacy strategies to EDH and talk the ban list)

  1. Legacy vs EDH (deck construction parallels)
  2. Countermeta (legacy tactics to counter meta's or archetypes in EDH)
  3. Council of the Unbanned (EDH ban card arguments to make legal again)

- The Budget Shoppe (walk into our store so we can show you all the affordable ways to deck construct!)

  1. General consensus on the archetype
  2. Everyone chooses a commander they feel fits that archetype with budget in mind
  3. The change- 4 cards at 4 different budgets for each commander to get them going

- Mr.Bever's Neighborhood (sit down with one of the calmest community members in MrBevers while he educates us on how to handle salt inducing cards)

  1. What makes this card annoying or salt-inducing?
  2. Why do we (the individual) react this way?
  3. How can we form habits that can change this way of reacting over the long haul?

You can stay up to date with us on:





Facebook: CMDTower


