Reviewing your business? Here's what to consider.

With Flow

Feb 28 2022 • 11 mins

Do you ever take the time to stop and review your business? What works? And what doesn't? Am I still working towards the right goals? Am I working on the right things that will take me towards those goals? Am I working as efficiently and effectively as I can? Do I have the right tools to support my business? In this episode I share the process I go through with both my own business, and my mentoring clients, to complete a business review. Key points of the episode: Your luteal phase is a great time for doing a review Identify the key areas of your business - content, clients, courses, financials, tools and apps Ask these questions: How much time and energy is this taking? Does this feel good, fun, in alignment? What aspects of this aren't working? How can I make this easier or do this better? What can you let go of? What are your quick wins and bigger projects you need to prioritise? Wanna learn more about syncing your business with your cycle? Check out my mini course Cycle Aligned Business at Use the code PODCAST for $10 off. Come hang out on Instagram @businesswithflow Share the episode to your stories and tag me