Oct 22 2024
Teaching | Understanding Proverbs: Why You Should Follow Your Heart (Proverbs 16-18)
You’ve probably heard many sermons bashing the idea of “following your heart” because as Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” There’s truth to that especially in light of the way our culture conceives of the heart as any desire or emotion that bubbles to the surface. But Proverbs tells us that the problem is not in following our heart, but rather what or who our heart follows. The Scriptures portray the heart as the seat of the will, the place of our deepest allegiances. Conversion happens when God’s grace switches the allegiance of our heart away from sin toward God. That’s what it means for his law to be written on your heart. That the place of our deepest loyalties is occupied by God alone. If that’s true of your life, by all means, follow your heart, because if your heart follows God then it will lead you towards worship, trust, and obedience. This is Understanding Proverbs.
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