Traction Control: The Impact of the Canadian Rail Labor Lockout

Auto Care ON AIR

Aug 23 2024 • 20 mins

Uncover the pressing realities of the Canadian rail labor lockout and its staggering impact on the auto care industry. In this episode of Traction Control, we're joined by Adam Malik from Turnkey Media who sheds light on how this midnight halt has frozen the movement of critical goods, including automotive parts, and even disrupted commuter trains in major cities like Toronto. From soaring prices in the used car market to the insurmountable strain on alternative transportation methods, we provide a comprehensive look at the chaos rippling through the supply chain.

We also confront the broader challenges that the auto care industry faces amid unyielding supply chain disruptions. By increasing inventory levels and drawing on lessons from the pandemic, parts suppliers and warehouse distributors are stepping up to navigate this complex landscape. Join us as we discuss the rising costs, the tough decisions drivers must make, and the critical role of strategic planning to ensure continued service and safety. This episode is packed with expert insights and actionable takeaways that you can't afford to miss.

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