Teen-Parent Family Solutions

The DrStem Show

Apr 30 2013 • 56 mins

Parenting teens is not an easy task. Quite often when our kids become teens, sometimes even as early as preteens, we notice a change occur in our kids and life becomes more of a struggle with them. Sometimes it's the casual rolling of the eyes, or it might be the little attitudes we pick up on, and sometimes it's the obvious distance that they put between us – where they intentionally push us away and no longer share with us or talk to us like they did when they were younger; and sometimes, we just don't see it until it's right there in front of us and we ask ourselves what happened and when. As parents, we are often left wondering, how do I close the gap and get back a good, warm and respectful relationship with our teens? At times it seems hopeless but there is always hope and there are certainly ways to relate differently with our teens and build that relationship you truly want to have with your kids.