Apr 25 2024
Episode 15: Unveiling the Hidden Impact of Oral Health & Systemic Well-being with Dr. Kelly Blodgett
Oral health isn't just about having a nice smile; it's essential for our overall health, impacting different areas of our well-being. Similarly, when considering breast implants, it's crucial to recognize that their impact extends beyond cosmetic enhancement, potentially affecting overall health. Understanding the interplay between oral health and systemic health is vital for making informed decisions about medical interventions and ensuring holistic well-being.
Embark on a journey through the world of holistic health and dental care with insights from Dr. Kelly Blodgett – a biologic dentist from Portland, Oregon. In today’s episode, we discuss the intricate connection between oral and overall health, the impact of environmental factors, and the importance of informed decision-making for optimal well-being.
Oral health and gut microbiome, with a focus on root canals and biofilms
I deeply resonate with the principles Dr. Blodgett upholds, especially regarding oral health practices, particularly in patients with conditions like breast implant illness. Many patients are on a journey to rid their bodies of foreign substances that could potentially trigger inflammation, and biologic dentistry offers valuable insights and techniques to support them along this path.
While it's widely acknowledged in both the dental and medical communities that gum disease is a significant issue, the attention it receives sometimes overshadows other potential sources of inflammation. Dr. Blodgett has observed the risk associated with root canals. The process of performing a root canal effectively creates a dead organ within the body by removing the tooth's blood supply. What's concerning is that the porous nature of the dentin surface allows microbes to infiltrate and thrive within these teeth, essentially turning them into chronic sources of toxicity. Over the years, Dr. Blodgett has seen remarkable improvements in patients' overall health following the removal of these dead teeth.
We've integrated PCR testing of scar capsules into our practice which examines DNA fragments and this approach has yielded great results. Dr. Blodgett highlights the significance of understanding biofilm formation, particularly concerning teeth that no longer have a blood supply due to procedures like root canals. In an upcoming series based on 900 consecutive samples, we found that approximately 30 to 34% exhibited biofilm colonization, consisting of various microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and mycobacteria.
This microbial presence within the roots suggests a significant deviation from what's considered normal. Despite efforts to ensure quality testing by sending samples to a research-based laboratory specializing in PCR testing, there remain limitations in detecting microscopic processes through macroscopic examinations like CT scans, MRIs, or regular X-rays.
Furthermore, Dr. Blodgett emphasizes the interconnectedness of oral health with overall well-being, noting how disruptions in the oral microbiome can contribute to various systemic problems. Issues such as poor digestion, irregular bowel movements, and compromised nutrient absorption can stem from an imbalanced microbiome, impacting the body's ability to heal and function optimally.
Oral health and hygiene, including protein intake and its impact on teeth
Maintaining normal digestive processes is crucial for overall health, as it impacts our gut microbiome and downstream health outcomes. The intricate relationship between oral health and the gut microbiome is fascinating insofar as oral health isn't just about aesthetics or chewing food; it's integral to proper digestion and nutrient absorption. For instance, missing teeth can hinder the chewing process, affecting how well we break down food and utilize nutrients.
Managing the oral microbiome thus involves navigating various factors that can impact it. Common practices, like consuming acidic beverages or having multiple metal fillings, can disrupt the delicate balance of the mouth's ecology. It is therefore necessary to address these issues proactively rather than turning a blind eye.
Addressing these issues involves considering the energetic and biological implications of dental treatments and materials used, as well as acknowledging potential sensitivities individuals may have to certain substances. By adopting a more holistic approach to oral care, we can better support both oral and systemic health.
Oral health and its impact on overall health, including the importance of proper dental care and the risks of poor oral hygiene
Many individuals are transitioning towards a more natural and holistic approach to well-being, especially those who have undergone procedures like breast augmentation or reconstruction and are now considering removing breast implants. In my practice, I emphasize the importance of dietary adjustments, including cutting out gluten, dairy, and processed sugars, to support overall health and well-being.
These dietary changes are crucial as sugar, in particular, can be highly addictive and detrimental to health, impacting brain function and energy levels. That is why I always encourage clients to maintain a balanced fluid intake, neither overly acidic nor alkaline.
During the preparation phase, I focus on increasing protein intake while cutting out unhealthy carbohydrates and fats. Digestive enzymes are also provided to aid in protein digestion, preventing gut discomfort and fermentation. Although I don't have a specific diet regimen, I advocate for a higher protein intake tailored to individual needs, typically ranging from one and a half to two and a half grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This adjustment may require creative solutions for those struggling to meet their protein goals, such as incorporating amino acid supplements or protein-rich smoothies.
In terms of oral health, dietary adjustments and fluid intake can have a significant impact. For example, high-protein diets may lead to buildup on teeth surfaces, as observed during teeth cleaning sessions. While protein intake remains essential for optimal functioning, managing its effects on oral health requires attention to hygiene and possibly adjustments in dental care routines.
In surgeries, dentists often check for dental problems. If there's an issue, like infection or inflammation, the surgery might be postponed due to the risk of bacterial spread and potential complications like endocarditis. However, the sad truth is that despite longstanding awareness of these risks, they're not always taken seriously. This shows the need for greater emphasis on oral health in overall health management.
Dental implants and cancer risk, with a focus on root canals and lymphatic drainage
The standards set by organizations like the American Heart Association highlight the risks associated with microbial exposure in dental procedures. Surgeries involving heart valves, knee replacements, and hip joints pose risks because they share the same lymphatic drainage and blood supply pathways as the mouth. Despite this knowledge, the potential risks of microbial exposure from procedures like root canals are often overlooked. In fact, there are cases that show that addressing sources of toxicity, such as root canals, can lead to remarkable improvements in health, including relief from symptoms like cancer.
Moreover, while titanium implants have been hailed as effective tooth replacements, they can lead to peri-implantitis, a condition characterized by inflammation and bone loss around the implant. This inflammation can have systemic effects, particularly in individuals already prone to inflammation, such as those with breast implants or joint issues. Despite the potential risks, there's often a lack of scrutiny within the dental profession regarding the broader systemic implications of these procedures.
Health issues related to plastic water bottles, pesticides, heavy metals, and gluten sensitivity
The environment we live in exposes us to various toxins like phthalates from plastic water bottles, glyphosate from pesticide-laden foods, and heavy metals from contaminated groundwater. Each person's response to these exposures is unique, influenced by factors like their genetic makeup and lifestyle choices.
As a healthcare provider, listening to patients' personal anecdotes and understanding their history and exposures can provide valuable insights into their health challenges. Through attentive listening and assessment, healthcare professionals can better support patients in navigating their health journey.
Detoxification, air quality, product safety, and optimizing oral health for overall wellness
Understanding the impact of toxins on our health, especially considering individual genetics and vulnerabilities, is crucial. Lifestyle factors like poor diet, lack of sleep, and exposure to harmful substances can disrupt our body's detoxification processes, particularly affecting women due to their sensitive endocrine systems.
Improving diet and lifestyle habits can have a profound impact on overall health, including oral and gut health, empowering individuals to initiate positive changes for themselves and their families. Thankfully, you can take proactive steps such as using resources like the Environmental Working Group website (https://www.ewg.org/) to make informed choices about the products they use, including dental care items.
Addressing air quality is also crucial, especially in areas prone to mold and pollution, as poor air quality can have significant health implications. While filtered water is widely recognized as essential, filtered air is often overlooked but equally important for overall well-being. Understanding and improving air quality can have a profound impact on health, particularly for those sensitive to environmental factors like pollen and pollutants.
Implementing air filtration systems in dental offices has become increasingly important, especially in light of concerns about virus and bacteria transmission. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted many dental offices to invest in quality air filters to significantly improve air quality and reduce exposure to harmful aerosols, leading to positive changes in workplace safety measures.
Moreover, addressing environmental factors like water quality and avoiding potentially harmful products can contribute to overall health and well-being. Considering individuals' sensitivities and using tests like Biocompatibility to determine the least reactive dental products can help minimize adverse reactions and ensure better outcomes for patients.
Take your oral health to the next level with Blodgett Dental Care: https://www.blodgettdentalcare.com/
Links and Resources:
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Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/breast-implant-illness/id1678143554
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1SPDripbluZKYsC0rwrBdb?si=23ea2cd9f6734667
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Read this article - https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/surgery/breast-reconstruction/types/implant-reconstruction/illness/breast-implant-illness
Shop: https://drrobssolutions.com
SHARP: https://www.harp.health
NVISN Labs - https://nvisnlabs.com/
Get access to Dr. Rob's Favorite Products below:
Danger Coffee - Use our link for mold free coffee - https://dangercoffee.com/pages/mold-free-coffee?ref=ztvhyjg
JASPR Air Purifier - Use code DRROB for the Jaspr Air Purifier - https://jaspr.co/
Echo Water - Get high quality water with our code DRROB10 - https://echowater.com/
BallancerPro - Use code DRROBVIP for the world's leader in lymphatic drainage technology - https://ballancerpro.com
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