#19 [5 Min FRIDAY] Finding your Purpose, Passion with Ikigai

Write the Book Inside You

Nov 19 2021 • 5 mins

5 MIN FRIDAY: Finding Your Ikigai is a way to boost your life and writing enjoyment in 5 steps based on the Japanese concept of Ikigai .
"iki" means to live and "gai"  means reason.

Ultimately Ikigai shows where you find your passion, joy, purpose, and meaning in life - what matters to you.
Japanese neuroscientist Ken Mogi cites 5 Ways to find your Ikigai in his books "Ikigai" and "The Little Book of Ikigai".

1. Start Small - enjoying a cup of tea or coffee in the morning
2. Release yourself - meaning be authentic, open and honest
3. Harmony in Relationships
4. Joy of little moments - like music
5. Being in the here and now - like a child

Caryl shares her recent moments of Ikigai - including swimming in the cold sea in Cape Town and publishing the audiobook of You Can Break-Free Fast EFT Tapping - now out on Audible.

She asks - What's YOUR Ikigai?

Hopefully, this 5 Min Friday episode on the Write the Book Inside You Podcast will encourage to enjoy  YOUR book writing journey.

Want some help? Get this free gift to inspire you:

5 Book Hook Tips Checklist (Free):  https://www.writethebookinsideyou.com/freegift

✅ Recommended - get my FREE CHECKLIST:
5 Book Hooks you must have to Captivate non-fiction Readers: Checklist (Free): https://www.writethebookinsideyou.com/freegift

✅ Connect with Caryl Westmore on social media!


Show Sponsors: Books for Writers by Caryl Westmore: Bust Writer's Block Forever www.bustwritersblock.com and The Inner Path of Writing, Make Love not War to the Writer Within . Details here: https://www.ipwbook.com