Unboxing Logistics


This vodcast is for getting to know the fun side of our industry leaders, staying updated with the latest trends, and leveling up your shipping processes. If that sounds like your jam, this is the place for you. Every episode of Unboxing Logistics is stuffed full of insights, innovations, and real-life stories from the people who have been on the front line for years. read less


Unboxing the Trends January 2025 With Lori Boyer and Tim Ranagan From EasyPost
6d ago
Unboxing the Trends January 2025 With Lori Boyer and Tim Ranagan From EasyPost
Exciting news! In our new Unboxing Logistics segment, Unboxing the Trends, the EasyPost team will be doing a monthly recap of the most impactful shipping and logistics trends in 2025. During this episode, Lori Boyer and Tim Ranagan discuss January’s port strike resolution, the devastating California wildfires, and President Trump’s brand-new tariffs. What do these events mean for your business? Listen to find out!Port strikes shed light on automation concerns While port strikes were resolved in January, they brought up an important question for businesses and employees alike: how far should we take automation? As Lori points out, this was a primary concern for port workers. “One of the aspects that the laborers were looking for was reassurance that their jobs were not going to be replaced by automation.”While this concern is valid, it’s clear that technological progress isn’t going to halt anytime soon, and Tim recommends that business owners find a balance. “Adopt the technology with your people in mind. … That keeps things moving forward from a relationship standpoint.”California wildfires emphasize the importance of contingency planningDespite a few logistics hiccups, the California wildfires didn’t affect shipping as much as some people feared. Still, as Lori and Tim point out, there’s an important lesson to be learned about responding to natural disasters. Lori puts it simply: “Natural disasters are here and accelerating.” Tim adds, “This is a good opportunity for business owners out there to look at their preparedness. Do they have any contingency plans for their supply chain in the event of a natural disaster?”If tariffs stick around, costs could riseWhen it comes to the new tariffs, we’re still in wait-and-see mode. But while you’re waiting, you can prepare for different possible outcomes. Lori recommends that business owners ask themselves “If these tariffs stick around for a while, what will that mean for me?”One potential impact to be ready for? Higher costs. And if costs do rise, you’ll need a plan of action. “As we have to pass price increases on to our consumers, we're going to have to figure out how to balance that. How much of the burden do you take on? How much of the burden do you pass on?” LinksConnect with Lori on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/loribboyer/ Connect with Tim on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-ranagan-mba-2717bb125/ Visit EasyPost’s website: https://www.easypost.com/
The Secret to Seamless Returns With Amena Ali From Optoro
Jan 29 2025
The Secret to Seamless Returns With Amena Ali From Optoro
Many businesses have perfected their outbound logistics. Products are picked, packed, and shipped with near-perfect accuracy, and customers are delighted. But some merchants haven’t put enough thought into the question posed by Amena Ali, CEO of Optoro: “What happens when all this stuff comes back?”In this episode of Unboxing Logistics, Amena and Lori discuss the challenges of returns—for both customers and sellers—as well as strategies for improving the process. How to improve the returns process for customersAs ecommerce has exploded, consumers have been “trained by the Amazons of the world” to expect box-free, label-free returns. Rather than asking customers to print labels and repackage products, Amena recommends providing convenient drop-off locations where shoppers can return unwanted items without going out of their way.Regaining value from returned itemsIf it takes too long to restock and resell returned items, your business could be losing money. Amena estimates that “for a 100-dollar item, it can cost nearly 30 dollars to do the processing. She continues, “Speed to stock is absolutely critical. The longer it takes a retailer to manage their returns, guess what? You are missing that peak season window for that item, which means you're going to need to mark that down.”Embracing recommerceReturns are closely intertwined with sustainability concerns—we’ve all heard the horror stories of brand-new products ending up in landfills. To reduce waste, Amena recommends embracing recommerce.“A lot of brands and retailers are engaging in those strategies to refurbish [products], and [they] actually have trade-in programs so you can return an item and it goes on to its next home.”LinksConnect with Amena on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amenaali/ Visit Optoro’s website: https://www.optoro.com/ Read Optoro's 2024 Returns Unwrapped report: https://4771362.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/4771362/Optoros%202024%20Returns%20Unwrapped%20Report.pdf
2025 Supply Chain Sustainability Trends With Tom Raftery, Sustainability and Technology Evangelist
Jan 15 2025
2025 Supply Chain Sustainability Trends With Tom Raftery, Sustainability and Technology Evangelist
Going into the new year, your customers, investors, and partners all have one thing in common: sustainability is a big concern. As natural disasters rage across the world, people are increasingly committed to preventing climate change—and they expect your business to do its part by reducing carbon emissions. Tom Raftery, host of the Climate Confident and Sustainable Supply Chain podcasts, joins Lori on this episode of Unboxing Logistics to share some sustainability trends and predictions going into 2025. Trend #1: Electric vehicles (EVs) will become more popularLiving in Spain, Tom has a close-up view of Europe’s environmental regulations. He explains that a variety of factors will combine to make electric vehicles the popular choice in 2025: “All of the EV manufacturers who are selling into Europe are … going to be pushing EVs even more next year to make sure they're not hit with fines. When you look at that, and you look at the fact that the costs of EVs keep dropping year on year, you see that for fleet managers, they're far cheaper to own and operate than traditional diesel vehicles.”Tom concludes, “I think at least here in Europe, but probably even more broadly, the penetration of EVs will ramp up significantly in 2025.”Trend #2: Artificial intelligence (AI) will take center stageWhen it comes to tracking scope 3 emissions, which aren’t directly produced by your business, Tom emphasizes the importance of partnerships, data sharing, and AI tools to organize all the information you collect. “You need to be able to report the emissions coming from your suppliers. And that gets rather tricky because it's third-party information. You've got to talk with them ... [and that involves] taking in enormous amounts of data. What we'll start to see is AI helping organizations to work with that data that's coming in … [to] get the insights … [and] make recommendations.”Trend #3: Sustainable organizations will win over stakeholdersAccording to Tom, making sustainable choices helps businesses attract and retain both customers and employees. “Your customers will … find you and they'll stay with you more easily if you have a good sustainability story to tell. … It's easier to find good employees … because people want to work for an organization that's doing good things.”But the benefits of going green don’t end there. Tom explains that other stakeholders, including banks, insurance companies, and investors, also look more favorably at organizations that incorporate sustainability.The bottom line? “Sustainability has gone from being a nice-to-have to now being a business imperative.”LinksConnect with Tom on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomraftery/ Follow Tom on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@tom.f.raftery Follow Tom on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/tomraftery.com Listen to the Climate Confident podcast: https://www.climateconfidentpodcast.com/ Listen to the Sustainable Supply Chain podcast: https://www.sustainablesupplychainpodcast.com/
Supply Chain Trends in 2025 With Chris Caplice From MIT and DAT Freight & Analytics
Jan 8 2025
Supply Chain Trends in 2025 With Chris Caplice From MIT and DAT Freight & Analytics
Last January, Chris Caplice joined us to discuss the top supply chain trends of 2024. This year, he’s back to talk about what the world of shipping and logistics will look like in 2025. As executive director at MIT Center for Transportation Logistics and chief scientist at DAT Freight and Analytics, Chris is deeply immersed in the supply chain industry, and he shares some great insights about trucking, tariffs, and more.Listen to learn what you should expect from the new year—and most importantly, how your business can prepare.Trend #1: The truckload market will enter an inflationary periodChris explains that since the late 1990s, “the truckload market has been on a series of cycles. … Capacity is tight and prices go up. Demand exceeds supply. And then it crashes back down and the opposite happens.”Going into 2025, Chris anticipates that the market will again enter an inflationary period—one where shippers have less leverage. He advises businesses to “fix your roof before it starts raining.”Trend #2: Global conflicts will continue—but supply chains will remain resilientDespite ongoing crises, Chris is optimistic about the global supply chain’s ability to adapt and continue to function. “Global supply chains are so dynamic and flexible. … It's similar when there's a natural disaster, like a hurricane. There's always a sharp shock, but it's usually bounded geographically and temporally because the system recovers. We're very good at self-healing.”Trend #3: Businesses will try to stay ahead of tariffsWhat about tariffs? Here’s what Chris has to say: “Tariffs will probably have a big impact. We'll see how that plays out because you don't know what Trump says and what Trump will do, what'll actually get through the Senate. But if tariffs really do increase dramatically I don't think it'll change demand that much—maybe slightly. It might change how things enter the country … but I don't know how dramatically it'll shift the overall shipping patterns.”In the meantime, many businesses have already begun importing more inventory than usual in an attempt to stay ahead of tariffs. “You hear the stories of especially small shippers bringing in a lot now just to stock up for the year. So we're going to see a lot of heavy inventory costs.”LinksConnect with Chris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-caplice-1839/ Visit the DAT Freight and Analytics website: https://www.dat.com/ Visit the MIT Center for Transportation Logistics website: https://ctl.mit.edu/ Roads Rarely Traveled by Woody Richardson: https://www.amazon.com/Roads-Rarely-Traveled-Truckload-Purchasing-ebook/dp/B0CW8Y5QHK/Transportation Adventures of a Food Shipper by Rob Haddock: https://www.amazon.com/Transportation-Adventures-Food-Shipper-Truckload-ebook/dp/B0DJ5XMLKV/
From Bricks to Clicks: Getting Started With Ecommerce With Filipa Almeida From Onport
Nov 20 2024
From Bricks to Clicks: Getting Started With Ecommerce With Filipa Almeida From Onport
If you’re thinking about diving into ecommerce for the first time, you have a lot to consider. To succeed in the digital world, you may need to rethink inventory management, the customer experience, and more. But as Filipa Almeida, chief customer officer at Onport, points out, you’ll also expand your businesses’ reach exponentially. Why move to ecommerce? Plenty of business owners are content running their brick-and-mortar stores—why should they add digital sales channels (and make their operations a whole lot more complicated)? Filipa’s answer is simple: today’s customers expect an online option. “[Customers’] needs and requirements are evolving, and they expect retailers to evolve with them. They expect their favorite stores to provide the experience of purchasing online. … They expect to have the option of going into the store if they feel like going to the store or just having that same product at the click of a button.”Challenges of going onlineGetting started with ecommerce comes with lots of challenges, including logistical concerns. Businesses need to answer several fulfillment questions: do I want to go omnichannel? Will I ship internationally? And the list goes on.Filipa points out that the customer experience also gets tricky when brick-and-mortar stores go digital. When small business owners see their customers in person every day, they get a good sense of what keeps shoppers happy. In the online realm, it’s harder to tell what’s working and what’s not. “So understanding how they can have that visibility … is something that really weighs on [merchants].”How to choose the right ecommerce platformIf you’re considering getting started with ecommerce, you’ll need to choose the right platform. Filipa’s advice? Don’t be afraid to get in the weeds researching features.She says, “When a retailer is looking at which platform to choose, they need to [ask], what am I looking for? What is critical for my business and for my operations? And then isolate that, try to narrow down those critical requirements … and look at the options available in the market.”LinksConnect with Filipa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/filipa-almeida-0114a029/ Visit Onport’s website: https://onport.com/
Ecommerce Inventory and Labor Challenges With Steve Syverson From NFI eCom
Nov 13 2024
Ecommerce Inventory and Labor Challenges With Steve Syverson From NFI eCom
Having worked in the logistics industry for 22 years, with 10 of those focused on ecommerce, Steve Syverson has had countless opportunities to hear from small business owners about the challenges and uncertainties they face. In this episode of Unboxing Logistics, he answers some of their most common (and pressing) questions.Should you use staffing agencies during busy times? How can you choose the right warehouse technology? When does using a 3PL make sense? Listen to learn the answers!How to boost staff morale during peak seasonPeak season can be incredibly stressful for business owners and employees alike. The key to smooth sailing, Steve says, is finding ways to ease the load on staff. That could involve anything from pizza parties to flexible work schedules to bringing in temporary workers.“Don't layer more stress on your teammates—they're already stressed. Your job as an owner of a brand or a business is to … figure out ways to mitigate some of that stress. Because at the end of the day, you want them to perform at their highest level.”Common SMB inventory management challengesSteve describes one pitfall ecommerce businesses often fall into: “What I see with SMBs typically is they tend to overbuy or overestimate demand. [This] puts them in a really tough position from an inventory perspective.” While overstocking leads to inefficiencies in the warehouse, Steve points out the bright side: it doesn’t necessarily affect customers. Stockouts, on the other hand, can destroy the purchase experience and cause you to lose customers.The solution? Use technology to forecast demand accurately and gain visibility into stock levels. “Without those insights, without the technology platform … you're setting yourself up for failure because you're just not going to know what you have.”Pros and cons of working with a 3PLIn Steve’s experience, the biggest hurdle brands face when deciding whether or not to work with a 3PL is the “perceived loss of control.” However, once they make the leap, “they never look back, because now it's given them the ability to scale their business. They're focused on going to shows, to conferences, building strategic partnerships, working with new vendors, finding new manufacturers … and marketing their brand.”LinksConnect with Steve on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevesyverson/ Visit NFI eCom’s website: https://ecommerce.nfiindustries.com/
Porch Piracy Myths Busted With Eric Thorson From Norton Shopping Guarantee
Nov 6 2024
Porch Piracy Myths Busted With Eric Thorson From Norton Shopping Guarantee
Porch piracy isn’t fun for anybody. But that doesn’t stop Lori and Eric from having a little fun discussing it! In this episode of Unboxing Logistics, they react to videos of porch pirates getting caught in the act. At the same time, they bust some of the most common porch piracy and package protection myths, including these three: Myth #1: Once a package is marked as delivered, your job is doneIt’s a myth that every online merchant wants to believe: once a package reaches its destination, it’s not their problem anymore. Sadly, customers don’t see it that way. As Eric points out, when a package is stolen, shoppers “[don’t] blame the thief or the carrier. They hold the merchant responsible.”But look on the bright side! If you do things right, your response to stolen packages can help build long-term customer loyalty. “Once … the consumer starts to use your product, they have a relationship with you. And that relationship will last as long as you're around if you continue to do a good job.”Myth #2: Doorbell cameras are effective deterrents against porch piracy Eric says that while doorbell cameras are useful for providing evidence of porch piracy, they’re not a very effective deterrent. The thousands of porch piracy videos online are proof that thieves have thought up plenty of clever (and not-so-clever) ways to conceal their identities when snatching packages. Myth #3: Package protection is only needed during the holidaysSome businesses believe they only need to offer package protection during high-volume periods like the holidays, when porch piracy is most common. Eric’s response? “Peak season, holiday season, fourth quarter—that's when the most volume is being shipped. … But [porch piracy] is a year-round opportunistic crime that is way out of control and isn't letting up at all.”LinksConnect with Eric on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-thorson-norton/ Visit Norton Shopping Guarantee’s website: https://norton.buysafe.com/
The Power of AI in the Warehouse With Henrik Bergsager and Kushal Pillay From Powerhouse AI
Oct 30 2024
The Power of AI in the Warehouse With Henrik Bergsager and Kushal Pillay From Powerhouse AI
What comes to mind when you hear the term AI? For some, artificial intelligence is an exciting step forward, bringing possibilities of error reduction and cost savings. For others, it’s little more than a marketing buzzword. Henrik Bergsager and Kushal Pillay of Powerhouse AI are in the first camp. In this episode, they discuss how AI tools can significantly improve warehouse operations for small and medium-sized businesses.Uses of AI in the warehouseAI can be used to improve virtually any warehouse task, including inventory management, demand forecasting, and storage optimization. Henrik notes that businesses should approach problems one at a time, not all at once. “By focusing on these smaller cogs in the warehouse, you don't need massive amounts of investments to get up and running.”Getting started with AIGetting started with a new tool is always daunting. For a smooth transition, Henrik says, “You have to get the rest of your employees on board. … You need to get all the warehouse workers understanding why we're doing this, [what are] the benefits of introducing new technology.”Kushal adds that organizations should focus on the KPIs they’re trying to improve with the technology. He adds that it’s important to keep expectations realistic—don’t expect the tool to eliminate human labor. “[At the] end of the day, you're not buying a robot. You're buying a certain software, which does a job for you.”How much technical expertise do you need?Fortunately, you don’t have to be a technology genius to take advantage of AI warehouse solutions. As Kushal puts it, “Most of the tools out there [don’t] need you to know the deep details of how they work. … The only thing we need is what is the input, and what do you expect as the output? The rest of the work is done with[in] the system.”LinksConnect with Henrik on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/henrikbergsager/ Connect with Kushal on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kushalpillay/ Visit Powerhouse AI’s website: https://www.pwh.ai/
How SMBs Can Crush Peak Season With Maxwell Bonnie From Saltbox
Oct 23 2024
How SMBs Can Crush Peak Season With Maxwell Bonnie From Saltbox
The holiday season is often the most profitable time of year for small businesses, but it comes with many challenges. How can small ecommerce businesses create a great purchase experience for customers? What logistical hurdles will they face? In this episode, Maxwell Bonnie, co-founder of Saltbox, answers these questions and shares tips to help SMBs successfully navigate the upcoming peak season.What’s different about peak season 2024?Peak season is always a busy time, but this year’s peak has the potential to be even more hectic than usual. That’s because there are only 17 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas instead of the usual 20 or 21, leaving businesses scrambling to ship more packages than ever in a short amount of time.Maxwell also predicts that carrier capacity will be a concern. Due to changes related to USPS’s 10-year plan, “Brands are going to be shifting a little bit away from the Post Office and trying to go directly to FedEx and UPS to mitigate risk. … That means FedEx and UPS are going to be busier than they've ever been.”Advice for small businesses during peakWhat can your business do to keep things running smoothly during peak season? First, Maxwell suggests diversifying your carrier mix by using a combination of large, emerging, and regional partners to transport packages.He also advises businesses to “[Ship] earlier. Having earlier cutoff times than normal with your holiday orders … build[s] in some buffer so that your customer gets the package on time.”The importance of having a planThe bottom line? “You need some sort of plan, but know that it's not going to go to plan—and that is completely okay. But take the time to put something on paper so that you are prepared for this [peak] season.”LinksConnect with Maxwell on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxwellbonnie/ Visit Saltbox’s website: https://www.saltbox.com/
Everything To Know About Shipping Pharmaceuticals With John Golden From ParcelShield
Oct 16 2024
Everything To Know About Shipping Pharmaceuticals With John Golden From ParcelShield
In the words of John Golden, vice president of sales at ParcelShield, “Shipping medication is a risky business, but it's also critical to hundreds of millions of those that are depending on pharmacy services.” In this episode of Unboxing Logistics, John and Lori discuss the risks pharmaceutical shipments face and how the right technology can protect healthcare businesses and patients alike.Challenges and risks when shipping pharmaceuticalsParcelShield’s motto? It’s not just a package, it’s a patient. Because medical supplies and prescription drugs make such a huge difference in people’s lives, pharmacies must carefully consider logistical risks when shipping them. John says, “Many pharmaceuticals are time-sensitive. They're temperature-sensitive. They're highly regulated. … They're expensive. They're also life-sustaining. … There's risks out there like flight delays, extreme weather, traffic, or carrier dependability.”The importance of proof of deliveryProof of delivery is always useful for giving customers peace of mind, but when shipping expensive pharmaceuticals, it’s non-negotiable. John explains that if the government or a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) pays for a medication, they want to make sure the package arrives.Without proof of delivery, “governments and PBMs [could] claw back the money that they paid you for those medications.”Using technology to decrease riskTechnology helps ensure the safe, timely delivery of pharmaceutical shipments by predicting when and where packages could get delayed. According to John, these systems “leverage things like predictive analytics and machine learning … [to look] for advanced warnings.”He goes on, “[The risk] could be wildfires. It could be hurricanes. It could be Mardi Gras. It could be the Super Bowl. But technology exists to be able to provide what we would call an early warning system to help to avoid shipping medications into a high-risk situation.”LinksConnect with John on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnvgolden/ Visit ParcelShield’s website: https://www.parcelshield.com/
Unleashing Data Power in Logistics With Jonathan Salama From Transfix Ep. 43
Oct 9 2024
Unleashing Data Power in Logistics With Jonathan Salama From Transfix Ep. 43
In today's episode, host Lori Boyer is joined by Jonathan Salama, CEO and co-founder of Transfix. With a unique background in tech and data science, Jonathan sheds light on how data is revolutionizing the logistics industry. Join us as we explore the intersection of technology and logistics, unraveling the complexities and uncovering the opportunities.Leveraging data for efficiencyJonathan emphasizes the importance of leveraging data to drive decisions and automate repetitive actions within the logistics space. Using data science, companies can optimize their operations, enhance their efficiency, and ultimately, improve the customer experience.Understanding the role of brokeragesJonathan explains the critical role brokerages play in matching shippers with carriers, describing them as a marketplace driven by demand. He states, “In my opinion, every company should be using brokers.” This highlights the value that brokers provide by navigating the complexities of logistics, ultimately ensuring that shipments are executed efficiently and at competitive rates. Navigating the future with emerging technologiesThe discussion shifts towards the future of logistics, focusing on emerging technologies like automated trucks and AI. Jonathan expresses his excitement, saying, “I am a lot more excited about automated trucks... I think that is going to revolutionize our space.” He highlights how these advancements will reshape the industry, making it more efficient and responsive to the ever-changing market demands.As the logistics industry continues to evolve, embracing data-driven solutions and innovative technologies will be key to staying competitive. Jonathan’s insights remind us that while the journey may be complex, leveraging the right tools and partnerships can lead to significant improvements in efficiency and effectiveness. For more insights, connect with Jonathan and explore what Transfix has to offer. Join us next time for more engaging discussions in the world of logistics!Connect with John on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jonathansalamaVisit the Transfix website: https://transfix.io/
Unpacking Customer-Centric Analytics in Logistics With Josh Fredman & Mike Koleno From Better Trucks and Tom Butt From EasyPost
Oct 2 2024
Unpacking Customer-Centric Analytics in Logistics With Josh Fredman & Mike Koleno From Better Trucks and Tom Butt From EasyPost
In the latest episode of Unboxing Logistics, Lori Boyer engages with the insightful team from Better Trucks, including Josh Fredman, Mike Koleno, and Tom Butt from EasyPost. Recorded live at Parcel Forum 2024, this discussion dives deep into the transformative power of analytics in enhancing customer experiences within the logistics sector. The experts share actionable insights on how data can streamline operations, meet evolving customer expectations, and foster effective partnerships:Holistic data centralizationTo truly understand and improve customer experience, businesses must centralize their data. This approach allows shippers to analyze their operations from a comprehensive perspective, identifying opportunities for enhancement across the entire package journey.Transparent communicationKeeping customers informed throughout the shipping process is vital. By providing timely updates on package status, shippers can alleviate anxiety and foster trust, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction.Collaboration for growthStrong partnerships between shippers and carriers are crucial for leveraging shared data and insights. Engaging with logistics partners can unveil new opportunities for efficiency and improved service delivery, benefiting all parties involved.In summary, this episode highlights the importance of using analytics not just as a tool for efficiency, but as a means to elevate customer experiences and drive growth in the logistics industry. Tune in to gain valuable insights that can help you optimize your operations and enhance your service offerings.LinksConnect with Josh on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/josh-fredmanConnect with Mike on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mike-kolenoVisit the Better Trucks website: https://www.bettertrucks.com/ Connect with Tom on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tombutt
Scaling Logistics to Deliver an Unforgettable Customer Experience With Julian Van Erlach From FabFitFun
Sep 25 2024
Scaling Logistics to Deliver an Unforgettable Customer Experience With Julian Van Erlach From FabFitFun
In this episode of Unboxing Logistics, Lori Boyer from EasyPost welcomes Julian Van Erlach, Senior Vice President at FabFitFun. They dive into the complexities of scaling logistics while maintaining a superior customer experience. With a unique model that generates four peak seasons annually, FabFitFun’s operations are a masterclass in efficiency, cost management, and customer satisfaction. Julian shares his insights on how FabFitFun has scaled its logistics, optimized processes, and maintained excellent customer satisfaction—even during rapid growth.Align operations with company growth"What is it that we're going to solve for or scale for?" Julian emphasizes the importance of staying closely aligned with merchandising and marketing to ensure that logistics can anticipate and meet the company's growth. FabFitFun's ability to proactively analyze purchase orders, anticipate challenges, and prepare operationally has allowed them to efficiently handle millions of customized orders.Overcome choke points with smart solutions Julian identifies the key areas that create choke points in logistics, from shipping costs to scaling labor. By using cartonization software like MagicLogic to optimize the size of every box, FabFitFun has saved "many, many millions of dollars per quarter" while minimizing wasted space. Additionally, FabFitFun’s ability to scale labor efficiently, hiring temps to meet seasonal demand, has been crucial to their success.Prioritize customer experience and operational efficiencyOne of Julian's standout insights is how FabFitFun has balanced cost-saving measures with enhancing the customer experience. "There is no trade-off," he explains, citing zone skipping as an example where they simultaneously save money and reduce shipping time. By prioritizing recycled materials, clear communication, and precise cartonization, they ensure that customers receive their orders on time and in great condition, all while reducing costs.FabFitFun’s success lies in its ability to anticipate challenges, optimize operations, and prioritize customer satisfaction without compromising efficiency. Whether through advanced technology, proactive labor management, or innovative shipping strategies, the company has created a logistics model that supports rapid scaling while maintaining an exceptional customer experience. As Julian puts it, “Being attuned to company strategy and world events” is essential for any company looking to scale successfully.LinksConnect with Julian on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/inventorymgmtandlogisticsVisit the FabFitFun website: www.fabfitfun.com/ Email Julian: julian.vanerlach@fabfitfun.com
Mastering Peak Season: Expert Insights With Glenn Gooding From iDrive Logistics
Sep 18 2024
Mastering Peak Season: Expert Insights With Glenn Gooding From iDrive Logistics
SHOW NOTESIn this episode of Unboxing Logistics, Lori Boyer of EasyPost interviews Glenn Gooding, president of iDrive Logistics, about navigating the complexities of peak season. Glenn shares his 39 years of experience in the small parcel supply chain, providing practical tips for planning, communication, and technology. From demand forecasting to managing unexpected challenges, Glenn emphasizes that peak season success hinges on thorough preparation and proactive collaboration with partners. The conversation touches on the importance of aligning with carriers, maintaining clear communication across stakeholders, and preparing both technology and operations well in advance.You can’t plan enoughGlenn stresses that planning for peak season must go beyond just operational logistics—it should involve in-depth communication with all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and carriers. Starting the planning process early is essential, especially when it comes to technology. "Failure to plan is a plan to fail," Glenn says, recalling his early lessons from UPS. Companies should begin evaluating their technology in Q1 and develop a roadmap that aligns with both client expectations and operational capabilities.Communication is criticalCommunication, both internally and with external partners, is vital to ensuring a successful peak season. Glenn highlights the need for ongoing dialogue with carriers, suggesting that companies forecast demand accurately and proactively collaborate to reduce strain on carrier networks. He advises, "The easiest time to lose a customer is through a poor performance in Q4," emphasizing the importance of aligning expectations and ensuring seamless customer experiences, even when challenges arise.Embrace flexibility and team moralePeak season is unpredictable, and companies must prepare for various worst-case scenarios, such as higher-than-expected demand or adverse weather conditions. Glenn recommends having a "master operating plan" in place, with designated leaders to manage crises effectively. Additionally, maintaining a positive team environment during stressful times is crucial. As Glenn notes, leadership should "embrace the challenge" and motivate teams with goals, rewards, and a positive attitude to keep morale high throughout the season.LinksConnect with Glenn on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/glenngoodingidl/ Visit the DHL eCommerce website: https://www.idrivelogistics.com/
Going Global: Expanding Your Reach Into International Markets With Ford Deihl From DHL eCommerce
Sep 11 2024
Going Global: Expanding Your Reach Into International Markets With Ford Deihl From DHL eCommerce
In this episode of Unboxing Logistics, host Lori Boyer speaks with Ford Deihl, a product manager at DHL eCommerce, about the booming world of international shipping and the massive opportunities it offers for small and mid-sized businesses. Ford shares insights into the international market, how businesses can expand globally, and the strategies that can make international shipping easier than expected. The conversation touches on logistics, cultural differences, and how to optimize shipping costs while ensuring a seamless customer experience. The discussion ends with practical steps and solutions for entering new international markets.International shipping: a major growth opportunityInternational shipping represents a vast potential for ecommerce businesses, with global revenue expected to reach $6.3 trillion in 2024. Ford emphasized the importance of tapping into this market to reach new customers and grow revenue. "This is a way to grow your top line for your business and reach new customers," Ford notes. Businesses should identify markets where their products resonate and take advantage of the ease provided by modern shipping solutions.With the right partners, it’s easier than you thinkExpanding internationally may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Ford assures listeners that with the right carrier and shipping solutions, businesses can simplify the process. He recommends starting with familiar markets like Canada, the UK, and Australia, especially for small and mid-sized businesses. Using partners like DHL eCommerce, businesses can integrate shipping services seamlessly, without a heavy operational lift. "If it’s a big lift, it’s probably not the right solution for you," Ford explains, urging companies to leverage existing shipping and logistics partnerships.Prepare for successFord stresses the importance of preparation before diving into international shipping. Having strong logistics, customer service, and a well-defined brand are crucial to success. Businesses must also ensure their storefront is optimized for international customers, including local payment options and realistic shipping time estimates. Ford emphasizes, "Ideally, what you're shooting for is a domestic-like experience for an international customer." Additionally, offering Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) can enhance the customer experience by eliminating surprises at checkout, further increasing customer satisfaction and conversion rates.LinksConnect with Ford on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/forddeihl/ Visit the DHL eCommerce website: https://www.dhl.com/global-en/home/our-divisions/ecommerce.html
Unlocking the Power of Parcel Data With Megan Rudolph From Saddle Creek
Aug 28 2024
Unlocking the Power of Parcel Data With Megan Rudolph From Saddle Creek
Delve into the critical role of parcel data in optimizing shipping operations, especially as businesses gear up for peak season. Megan Rudolph, senior director of parcel operations at Saddle Creek Logistics, shares her expertise on how to collect, analyze, and leverage parcel data to enhance customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and ensure carrier accountability. The essentials of parcel dataMegan emphasized that parcel data boils down to two main metrics: transit time and cost. She explains, “Parcel analytics is all the data that allows you to measure those two things.” Understanding these two metrics at a granular level enables businesses to manage consumer expectations, optimize costs, and hold carriers accountable. Megan also stresses the importance of real-time data, particularly for tracking shipments and managing delivery exceptions. Leveraging data for cost optimizationSurcharges are a significant factor in shipping costs, and Megan advises businesses to closely monitor these charges to identify opportunities for cost savings. Businesses can use parcel data to negotiate better rates with carriers and make informed decisions about service selection. “Knowing how to leverage that data to negotiate is really important,” Megan notes, highlighting that businesses can shift volume to different carriers if necessary to optimize costs. The role of AI in parcel analyticsLooking ahead, Megan is excited about the potential for AI to democratize data analytics. She explains that AI can help those who are less data-savvy to easily access and interpret parcel data, thus lowering the barrier to entry for effective data use. “AI becomes a facilitator,” she says, allowing businesses to ask simple questions and receive actionable insights without needing deep technical expertise. LinksConnect with Megan on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/megan-rudolph-688a4743Visit Saddle Creek’s website: https://www.sclogistics.com/
The Ins and Outs of First-Mile Consolidation With Tyler Abderholden From Sendle
Aug 21 2024
The Ins and Outs of First-Mile Consolidation With Tyler Abderholden From Sendle
First-mile consolidation is a great way for growing SMBs to simplify their shipping logistics. Tyler Abderholden, vice president of Sendle’s global network, explains what first-mile consolidation is and why it’s beneficial.How does first-mile consolidation work?Generally, a multi-carrier shipping strategy involves coordinating multiple pickups at different times of the day. First-mile consolidation gives small businesses a way to reap the benefits of a multi-carrier approach without the headache of multiple pickups.Tyler explains, “One driver will show up to your operation [and] pick up all of the packages, whether they're going to carrier A, carrier B, carrier C, carrier D, and so forth. … You have a single pickup. It comes at your preferred time of day.”Benefits of first-mile consolidationWith first-mile consolidation, “you are managing a single touchpoint with a single provider.” By relying on a first-mile consolidator to get packages into the hands of the right carriers, merchants avoid shipping delays caused by missed pickups. And because consolidators access volume discounts, merchants save money too.Giving customers a choiceFirst-mile consolidation provides access to a variety of shipping speeds, allowing customers to choose what works best for them. Tyler and Lori point out that the next-day shipping trend has begun to decline, with more consumers willing to wait longer for their packages. Tyler says, “Everything was moving to, how do we get to next day? And now everything has been, some things need to be next day and some things are okay to take a longer time. And that's great. Customers have that choice.”LinksConnect with Tyler on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tyler-abderholden-06a00920/ Visit Sendle’s website: https://www.sendle.com/en-us
The Future of Returns With Eric Wimer From Sway
Aug 7 2024
The Future of Returns With Eric Wimer From Sway
Returns have come a long way since the early days of ecommerce, but they still have a long way to go. Eric Wimer, co-founder and CEO at Sway, envisions a future where returns are easy, fast, and cost-effective for both businesses and consumers. In this episode of Unboxing Logistics, he and Lori discuss what it will take to make that vision a reality.A short history of returnsWhen ecommerce was just starting, Eric explains, “most sellers didn't accept returns.” Later, as ecommerce became more popular, sellers began accepting returns—but the process was cumbersome and slow. It involved filling out a form, then waiting weeks or months for the return to be processed.According to Eric, Amazon helped pave the way for a smoother returns system. “Historically your only option would have been, I have to mail this thing. … I've got to package everything up, box it, label it, and go drop it off. … Well, Amazon really led the way [by] starting to offer multiple options for how you would send these items back.”Three ways to handle returnsToday, consumers have three options for returning products (depending on what the merchant supports):Shipping. Eric calls this the “traditional option.” The consumer prints a shipping label, packages the product themselves, and ships the package back to the seller.Drop-off. This option involves dropping a product off at a local retail location like Staples, Whole Foods, or a carrier store. Because it only requires a QR code scan, this option allows for boxless and labelless returns.Home pickup. Eric explains that with home pickup, “you can drop an item outside your door or choose to hand it to a driver directly, and that item gets picked up from your home. The driver scans the item in, and there's the ability for that refund to get released upon pickup.”Tips for a great returns policy and processA great returns policy starts with simplicity, clarity, and visibility. Eric notes that many customers appreciate “getting an email once the brand receives the item in their warehouse and is actually processing it and then getting another notification once the refund has been released.” He also points out that fast returns benefit ecommerce merchants more than you might think. “The faster that you get someone their refund, the quicker they get back into the ecosystem to shop. So there's a business case for this.”LinksConnect with Eric on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wimes/ Visit Sway’s website: https://www.shipsway.com/
EasyPost Insider: Solving Complex Shipping Challenges With John Wharff From EasyPost
Jul 31 2024
EasyPost Insider: Solving Complex Shipping Challenges With John Wharff From EasyPost
In this EasyPost Insider episode, John Wharff introduces us to EasyPost Enterprise and explains how it helps businesses solve their most pressing shipping challenges.What is EasyPost Enterprise?John explains that EasyPost Enterprise is “software that is geared towards … really high performance, high complexity [shippers]. It opens the door to things like routing logic, business rules, [and] custom labels.”Lori raises a question that might be on listeners’ minds: who should be using EasyPost Enterprise? John mentions that Enterprise is perfect for businesses in complex industries like pharmaceuticals or food. But any company that ships high volumes “can benefit from the type of processing speeds that EasyPost Enterprise can offer, as well as that business rule and logic layer.”The importance of custom business logicCustom business logic is one of EasyPost Enterprise’s most important features. “One of the core components of the EasyPost Enterprise software is this idea of working with you to build business logic,” John explains. “[When] an order comes in from one of your customers, it's running through all of our logic gates. We are picking the best possible service that meets all of your different commitments and then getting you that label so that you can get the box out the door.”He continues, “The idea is really understanding what's important to you as a shipper and then building the system custom for you so that we're accomplishing those goals.”A system that grows with your businessUnlike software providers that nickel-and-dime their customers, EasyPost Enterprise works to understand your business needs so you pay for exactly what you need, with no surprise fees. John says, “We want you to have a full understanding of what you're getting. And through [the] discovery process … we can give you an all-in idea of exactly what we think you need to solve [your] problem[s] so that you can avoid fees in the future.”The model is designed to scale with your business. As John puts it, “You always have to be planning for what comes next, because the idea and the goal is always growth. You want to be shipping more. You want to be moving more things. And it's really important to anticipate that so that you can think toward the future.”LinksConnect with John on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-wharff-7423403a/ Visit EasyPost’s website: https://www.easypost.com/
EasyPost Insider: A New Insurance and Claims Experience With Olivia Qin and Brittany Williams From EasyPost
Jul 24 2024
EasyPost Insider: A New Insurance and Claims Experience With Olivia Qin and Brittany Williams From EasyPost
In this special episode for EasyPost customers, Olivia Qin and Brittany Williams introduce the new and improved claims process for EasyPost Shipping Insurance. What sets EasyPost Shipping Insurance apart?For customers not currently using EasyPost’s insurance, Brittany and Olivia share some key features that set the offering apart from other insurance services on the market. Olivia says, “What's great … is that it's one pricing. It's from anywhere to anywhere, except for U.S.-sanctioned countries. And it's also carrier agnostic.”“It is insurance that the business buys, but they can pass on that cost to their customers if they want to,” Brittany adds. A better claims experienceNow, businesses purchasing insurance through EasyPost will have access to a smoother, more streamlined claims experience. Brittany explains what’s changing: “What is rolling out here in the end of July is a fully rebuilt claims experience. So we're adding the ability to file claims via API. We're adding a new web form to file claims with just a few clicks. And we're also creating a dashboard in the EasyPost web application where you can go and view the claims that you submitted, view what status they're in, watch them live as they're being processed on our side.”Why purchase shipping insurance?Brittany, Olivia, and Lori discuss the importance of shipping insurance for ecommerce businesses. As Brittany points out, package loss, theft, and damage is inevitable. When shipping disasters strike, insurance “will guarantee that your customers are going to be happy with how you're handling their experiences.” Olivia offers a quick tip for companies using shipping insurance for the first time: understand your policy’s requirements. “Make sure that you know what evidence is required when you file a claim. [And] make sure that you are telling your customers what's needed in case something happens.” LinksConnect with Olivia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jingchen-olivia-qin/ Connect with Brittany on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brittany-williams-597289124/ Visit EasyPost’s website: https://www.easypost.com/