#26 Secret as Sacred, Secret as Sickness

Axioms of Grace

Feb 14 2023 • 24 mins

Secret according to the Oxford dictionary is defined as something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. When kept in sacred, present, and safe space secrets become our inner most transparency and intimacy with another. When compartmentalized and hidden as a means not to expose our honest nature out of arrogance or fear they become sickness, feeding our belief in separation and isolation. Here power is distorted. Our shadow, when shared and seen by another through the eyes of love is our bridge from our secret sickness into our sacred humanity. And in this way we expose our innermost darkness and avail ourselves to our innermost love. Here our experience of being included in life, in love is undeniable.
From secret societies, to the ritual of confession, to elementary school whispers amongst classmates, to our often secret discovery of sexuality…secrets are a deep part of our cultural and human experience. May this podcast inspire empowerment from your secrets of separation into your authentic sacred vulnerability. So often what we hide the deepest, once revealed and seen becomes the doorway into our greatest liberation.
To join Katherine in sacred space and reveal more of who you are through radical honesty check out her monthly Human Being offering.
Next Human Being Workshop is on February 19th.