Live Streaming like a pro - here is how with Luria Petrucci

The Influencer Green Room!

Apr 13 2021 • 33 mins

Every Influliencer seems to be live streaming but that can be scary.

What if no one shows up? what if the tech goes wrong? what if people think I'm a fraud?

These are some of the fears that go through our minds when we are thinking about getting into live streaming on our various platforms.

Today on the Influencer Green Room, we speak to Luria Petrucci who is a LIVE video strategist and has been creating content since 2005 and live streaming since 2007, creating over 4000 pieces of content and racking over 1 billion views on the videos she’s been a part of.

We chat about all the live streaming fears and dive into Imposter Syndrome and authenticity so you can have an amazing LIVE show!

Check out Luria at LiveStreamingPros

Benji Travis is a YouTube Coach on Video Influencers, co-author of YouTube Secrets, an Influencer together with his wife on Its Judy Life, and a foodie on runs his own YouTube channel

Liron Segev is a YouTube Growth Strategist at, tech blogger at, and YouTuber at