Jan 26 2024
Red Sea Disruption - Is This Another Global Supply Chain Crisis?
Season 4, Episode 3: Welcome back to Keeping it Real with Dr. Kuehl. This week Dr. Kuehl was out of office, so second commander in chief, Keith Prather filled in, and answered a member question regarding the impact of the Red Sea on the global supply chain activity.In Season 4, Episode 3 (6:45 in length), Keith Prather answers a member question in regards to the Red Sea and will it boost rates for shipping and will we feel this impact in the global supply chain. Are we seeing what we saw in 2021 and 2022?What is the fear of the global supply chain shutdown? Globally, why are we in shock? What is the impact when it comes to rates and cost of shipments? The drone strike in the last 10 days… what are the challenges of moving shipments in and out?How long will it take to fix this transit time? Q2, Q3? 25% of global capacity has been stripped… where is the impact being felt? Even though this does not affect the U.S. directly, why should we be concerned? What does clean tanker activity mean and why does it matter? What do we need to do as distributors?Ask Dr. Kuehl a QuestionHave a question or topic for Chris Kuehl that you would like answered on this podcast? Email it to Bri Baresel at bbaresel@asa.net.