Jul 28 2022
Chapter 2: Prepping A New (Van)Life or #WTF, Nat
First off, if you haven't listened to chapter 1, you'll want to do that right here: https://www.natlapirate.com/my-fucking-vanlife-podcast/episode/f0c72f59/leaving-quebec-the-life-that-triggered-it.
Right. Where were we; ah yes! I threw my career plan out the fucking window and committed professional suicide. Carrying on...
Special thanks to:
Mike, Marilyn, JP, JF, William, Chicken Wrap, and Marc-Alex. Without you all, I may not be writing this today. In fact, I wouldn't be in my van, living my dream. Oh. And Scott Duncan. Because it's ALL SURETY and ACCOUNTING.
Buy Me A Rhum and get featured in every episode? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NatLaPirate
Read the article: https://www.natlapirate.com/post/prepping-a-new-vanlife
All My Stupid Fucking Links: https://www.natlapirate.com/all-my-stupid-fucking-links
Shop The Politically Incorrect Store and help me get mum to Barbados instead of Quebec's rotting healthcare system: https://www.natlapirate.com/politically-incorrect-store
#MyFuckingVanlife #Pirates #Leaving #Expat #Aurevoir #Anarchism #Vanlife