DC Nation Podcast Week 36 (Standard) "Mystery of Bruce Wayne's Love Life"

Across the Airwaves Podcast (Network Archive)

Dec 28 2012 • 2 hrs 13 mins

Hello DC Nationites, it's Dan here proud to present you with an DC Nation Podcast that combined us giving our thoughts on the newly released Man of Steel Trailer and our review on Smallville Season 11 #25: Haunted Chapter 1 into one of our best Superman discussions ever. Then we follow it up with this episode's main event our audio commentary on the controversial DC Animated Film, Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman!

And if this podcast's title wasn't a dead giveaway, this Batman movie can best be described as ladies night for Bruce Wayne but let's just say the feeling is just not right as The Dark Knight's alter ego reacts to an abundance of beautiful women in a Peter Parker spastic manner rather than being the usual mysterious billionaire playboy who keeps the ladies at an arms distance. In addition, there's the little issue of one of the most uncomfortable scenes throughout the whole entire DC Animated Universe where Bruce Wayne hits on Barbara Gordon, which is so wrong on so many levels especially from my perspective as a huge Batgirl/Nightwing shipper. I mean, Batman can be described as a lot of things dark, awesome, paranoid but pedophile who hits on college girls is not one of them. I love you Bruce Timm and all your content but I'm not feeling a Batman/Batgirl romance.

However, don't think this commentary turned out to be a complete bust as Michael and I still made watching the movie a great time despite our discrepancies and we did make some interesting points about how this movie acted as a bridge between Batman The Animated Series and Batman Beyond as well as why a time jump to the future was necessary at this point for the Batman side of the DC Animated Universe. But if that's not enough to get you interested in the commentary for this week feel free to skip it but I advise at least to check out the Superman discussions we had in this episode because as I said before they were really great and as an added bonus we throw in information regarding when DC Nation is returning to Cartoon Network.

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