In today’s episode we will chat all about cycle syncing, the benefits of cycle syncing to grow your business platforms and ideas, and how tuning into your menstrual phases can actually help you get the most out of your productivity each and every month. Cycle syncing is basically the practice of aligning your lifestyle with your menstrual cycle? The reason we actually want to work toward this synergy is to optimize energy levels, moods, and creative processes.
The cycle syncing method isn’t new, but it may be new to you. And it is definitely new to my own productivity methods. Learn to change your lifestyle habits like your exercise schedule or work routines to match the phases of your menstrual cycle. By doing this, you may become more in-tune with your needs and better manage your life.
Educators shouldn’t have to have a side hustle, but the fact is, they do…The good news is that you’re perfectly positioned to make a profit online, because you’re already doing half the work!
Download my free checklist with 6 questions to determine if you’re ready to create a successful teacher business:
This community is better together, and we want to know where you are on this journey…Send a DM on Instagram and let us know-
Are you getting stuck just thinking about the fact that maybe you aren’t a procrastinator, but you havent been cycle syncing? Then let’s work to get you unstuck and headed down the path of creating the life you have always dreamed of…
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