Love and Philosophy

Beyond Dichotomy | Andrea Hiott

Conversations beyond traditional bounds with Andrea Hiott. Holding paradox. Bringing together the patterns that connect. Building philosophy out in the open. Respecting traditional divisions while illuminating the world beyond them.

By love and philosophy we mean the people, passions, and ideas that move us, shape the trajectories of our lives, and co-create our wider landscapes.

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Empowerment in Robotics: Solo Brainstorm & AI Bonus Conversation with Dari Trendafilov
Jan 31 2025
Empowerment in Robotics: Solo Brainstorm & AI Bonus Conversation with Dari Trendafilov
Send a love message Decoding the Empowerment Measurement in AI and Robotics with Dari Trendafilov. Dari has a PhD in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow, UK. His research interests are situated at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Human–Computer Interaction. He specialized in probabilistic information-theoretic modelling of complex systems and analysis of computational and interactive cognitive systems in the context of social and human–robot interaction. Towards his aim of establishing the fundamental information processing principles driving decision-making in living organisms, he has developed information-theoretic models and tools for the study of human sensorimotor dynamics, robotic and simulated systems, based on behavioural and physiological sensing and analysis.In this episode, Andrea and Dari explore the concept of empowerment in the context of artificial intelligence and robotics. The discussion covers Claude Shannon's information theory, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, and the application of these theories in human-computer interaction and swarm robotics. Dari shares insights from his research on swarm intelligence and the use of evolutionary algorithms for collective decision-making. The episode also touches on the broader implications of modeling intelligence and the dynamic interaction between agents and their environments.00:00 Welcome to Love and Philosophy00:11 Understanding Empowerment and Information Theory01:41 Empowerment in Artificial Intelligence04:43 Robotics and Human Interaction06:56 Exploring the Concept of Empowerment19:29 Swarm Robotics and Collective Intelligence33:59 Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation40:36 Modeling Nature Through Robotics42:38 The Journey to Empowerment Research43:28 Challenges in Human-Computer Interaction44:04 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Usability44:50 Usability Engineering and Market Demands45:30 Formal Models and Theories in HCI47:20 Understanding Empowerment in HCI51:01 The Role of Affordances52:33 Introduction to Empowerment53:07 Empowerment in Practice53:33 Empowerment as a Measure01:00:56 Applications and Implications of Empowerment01:08:11 Swarm Robotics and Collective Intelligence01:14:16 Modeling Intelligence and Future DirectionsEmpowerment papers PaperSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
In Defense of the Human Being with Thomas Fuchs
Jan 27 2025
In Defense of the Human Being with Thomas Fuchs
Send a love message  Exploring Human Embodiment and Conviviality with Thomas Fuchs, the Karl Jaspers Professor of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Heidelberg University, GermanyJoin Andrea for an insightful conversation with Thomas Fuchs, a philosopher and psychiatrist at Universität Heidelberg, as they delve into his book, 'In Defense of the Human Being.' Explore the profound questions about our distinctiveness from machines, the concept of 'conviviality,' and the essence of human embodiment. They discuss the oscillation between self-aggrandizement and self-contempt and how intersubjectivity and embodied experiences are central to understanding what it means to be human. Discover how modern technology impacts our self-perception and the importance of regaining a balanced relationship with our body and others. This episode is a deep dive into the notions of self-awareness, bodily presence, and the interrelation of life, mind, and technology.00:00 Introduction: Are We Distinct from Machines?01:32 Welcome to Love and Philosophy01:36 Introducing Thomas Fuchs and His Work02:15 Conviviality and Intersubjectivity03:51 The Theory of Mind and Human Experience07:56 The Defense of the Human Being08:51 The Impact of Technology and Transhumanism18:18 Embodiment and the Human Condition24:23 The Illusion of Mind-Body Separation40:29 The Role of Intersubjectivity57:53 Concluding Thoughts and ReflectionsIn Defense of the Human BodyThomas Fuchs, Karl Jaspers Professor of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Heidelberg University, GermanySupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Love Beyond Subject and Object with therapist & neuroscientist Mark Solms
Jan 24 2025
Love Beyond Subject and Object with therapist & neuroscientist Mark Solms
Send a love message Mark Solms | Part 2 | Can love bring us beyond traditional divides?Please join in supportMark Solms is a professor in the Department of Neuropsychology at the University of Cape Town: "My early research focused on the brain mechanisms of sleep and dreaming led to an interest in consciousness, which is currently my major focus. My emphasis is on brainstem mechanisms of consciousness and the foundational role of affect, emotional affect in particular. This work has included applications to various neuropsychiatric disorders, such as anosognosia and confabulatory amnesia, and, more recently, depression and addiction."In this episode, Andrea and Mark discuss the intricate dimensions of love and consciousness. Solms and Hiott explore the various elements that constitute love, including romantic love, attachment, and care. Solms highlights the complexities of human emotions and how they integrate into love and relationships. Solms also discusses the concepts of narcissism, object love, and how the integration of different emotional drives forms advanced states of mind. The conversation touches on the importance of subjectivity in neuroscience, the development of self-awareness, and Freud's contribution to understanding human nature. The episode provides a nuanced look at how feelings are fundamental to conscious experience and the obligation of science to incorporate subjectivity into its worldview.00:00 Understanding Consciousness and Self-Awareness00:55 The Complexity of Love and Relationships02:47 Introduction to the Podcast and Guest04:48 Exploring the Concept of Love05:40 The Components of Romantic Love08:20 Attachment and Care in Relationships11:56 Balancing Emotions in Love17:18 The Role of Feelings in Human Nature29:05 Exploring the Nature of Love in Mammals30:33 Philosophical Love: The Quest for Knowledge31:25 Lust and Its Complex Relationship with Love32:42 Freud's Concept of Narcissism35:22 Integrating Lust and Attachment43:36 The Evolution of Consciousness51:28 Freud's Scientific Project and Subjectivity57:05 Balancing Objective and Subjective Realities01:00:08 Concluding Thoughts on Love and ConsciousnessMark SolmsHidden SpringLove and Its Place in NatureSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Rhythms of Nature & Love: Hegel's Concept of Life with philosopher Karen Ng
Jan 15 2025
Rhythms of Nature & Love: Hegel's Concept of Life with philosopher Karen Ng
Send a love message Logic, Self-consciousness, and the continuity of mind and life: This episode is with Karen Ng, author of Hegel's Concept of Life, and an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. Andrea and Karen discuss Hegel's concept of life, self-consciousness, and the problem of contradiction, emphasizing how life and love are fundamental to understanding his ideas. The episode moves through Kant's influence on Hegel, internal and external purposiveness, and how these philosophical concepts relate to our modern understanding of the mind, nature, and meaning. Karen shares her journey and insights on making Hegel’s complex ideas accessible and relevant to contemporary issues.Philosopher Karen NgHegel's Concept of Life00:00 Hegel's Contradictory Philosophy00:31 The Concept of Life and Self-Consciousness02:48 Karen Ng's Insights on Hegel09:48 Understanding Hegel's Rationalism17:57 Kant's Influence and the Copernican Turn25:11 Mechanism vs. Teleology in Philosophy29:57 Internal vs. External Purposiveness37:08 Life as Process and Meaning40:34 Hegel's Radical Thought on Intelligibility and Life41:44 The Connection Between Life and Meaning42:25 Hegel's Perspective on Self-Consciousness and Life44:14 The Role of Logic and Life in Hegel's Philosophy49:46 Hegel's Critique of Cartesian Dualism51:31 The Speculative Identity Thesis and Cognition53:36 Modern Philosophical Challenges and Hegel's Relevance54:26 Hegel's Influence and Contemporary Philosophers01:01:28 The Journey of Writing a Book on Hegel01:09:05 Hegel's Concept of Love and Life01:14:46 Concluding Thoughts on Hegel's Philosophy Karen Ng at Vanderbilt University“True union, or love proper, exists only between living beings who are alike in power and thus in one another’s eyes living beings from every point of view; in no respect is either dead for the other.”“… love is a sensing of something living …”These Hegel quotes that Karen mentions are from the fragment on love, published in Early Theological Writings, trans. T.M. Knox, UPenn Press, 1975. The passages are on pages 304 and 305. And the German can be found in volume 1 of the Suhrkamp edition of Hegel’s Werke.Support the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Living Beyond the Blind Spot with Philosopher Evan Thompson
Jan 1 2025
Living Beyond the Blind Spot with Philosopher Evan Thompson
Send a love message  Happy 2025 ❤️ everyone. Philosopher Evan Thompson discusses 'The Blind Spot' which delves into the complexities of human perception, science, and the interconnectedness of nature. Together Andrea Hiott and Evan Thompson explore themes such as the impact of idealized scientific models on our understanding of reality, the importance of integrating arts and humanities with STEM disciplines, and the urgency of addressing ecological and meaning crises. The episode also touches on the historical context and influences behind Thompson's work, including his upbringing around pioneering thinkers like Lynn Margulis, Francisco Varela and Gregory Bateson. Evan wrote The Blind Spot with astrophysicist Adam Frank and theoretical physicist Marcelo Gleiser.00:00 Understanding the Crisis: Human Impact on the Planet02:25 Introduction to Love and Philosophy02:46 Interview with Philosopher Evan Thompson03:02 Exploring Evan Thompson's Background and Influences04:36 Discussing 'The Blind Spot' and Its Themes05:32 The Concept of Crisis and Its Philosophical Roots06:18 The Parable of Temperature and Scientific Abstraction21:40 The Bifurcation of Nature and Its Implications35:19 Philosophical Practices and Cognitive Humility41:06 Philosophers with a Scientific Background41:35 The Crisis of Meaning in Science42:26 Science Triumph and Denial44:36 Educational Emphasis on STEM45:36 Technology and Scientific Models47:02 Atoms, Electrons, and Reality50:07 Large Language Models and Understanding56:53 The Evolution of Cognitive Science01:00:24 The Influence of Heterodox Thinkers01:14:31 The Importance of Love in Knowledge01:17:17 Concluding Thoughts and ReflectionsThe Blind SpotEvan ThompsonEinstein and BergsonSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
The Flow of Life: An Unusual Winter Walk with Karl Friston and his Free Energy Principle
Dec 25 2024
The Flow of Life: An Unusual Winter Walk with Karl Friston and his Free Energy Principle
Send a love message  Karl Friston has ranked as 'the most influential brain scientist in the world' and been called a genius (as in the WIRED magazine piece), though many find his work mysterious. The melody of this unique conversation between Karl and Andrea, however, is the concept of 'flow' and how it relates to making the right choices within a constantly changing world. Andrea and Karl also explore Friston's significant contributions, including active inference and the free energy principle, discussing how these models might provide a first-principles account of sentient behavior. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, from the mathematics and neuroscience behind Friston's theories to practical implications in understanding human behavior and consciousness. It also touches on the theme of interconnectedness, emphasizing the importance of listening, empathy, and holding paradoxes to understand the patterns that connect various scales of life and cognition.00:00 Introduction to Flow and Existence02:42 Welcome to Love and Philosophy02:53 Holiday Episode and One-Year Anniversary03:59 Introducing Karl Friston and His Work04:32 Understanding the Free Energy Principle04:59 The Intersection of Math, Neuroscience, and Everyday Life12:24 Karl Friston's Journey and Contributions21:16 The Role of Psychiatry in Karl's Career24:34 The Disconnection Hypothesis in Schizophrenia29:53 The Evolution of Brain Imaging36:17 The Importance of Brain Imaging Software39:07 Statistical Parametric Mapping Explained41:27 Functional Segregation and Integration42:36 Dynamic Causal Modeling and Connectivity43:00 Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM)44:18 The Paradigm Shift in Cognitive Neuroscience49:43 The Free Energy Principle and Active Inference50:34 Unconscious Inference and Bayesian Belief58:53 Thermostats vs. Human Cognition01:06:44 Affordances and the Free Energy Principle01:20:02 Scale Invariance and the Free Energy Principle01:22:23 Entropy and Energy in Thermodynamics01:23:39 Understanding Sensory Entropy01:25:47 Maximizing Variational Entropy01:29:25 Fractals and Multiscale Patterns01:35:02 Hierarchies in the Brain01:46:40 Generative Models and Perspective01:52:46 Social Neuroscience and Group Dynamics01:57:40 The Importance of Listening and Empathy02:00:46 Reflections and New Year ResolutionsHistory of the FutureKarl Friston Google ScholarActive Inference InstituteSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Environment is Not in the Head: Why everyone's talking about Affordances with Harry Heft
Dec 19 2024
Environment is Not in the Head: Why everyone's talking about Affordances with Harry Heft
Send a love messageA look into the ideas of ecological psychology with legendary Harry Heft. Known for his renowned contributions to environmental and ecological psychology, Heft discusses the concept of affordances, a term coined by JJ Gibson, and its application across various fields. Heft traces the intellectual lineage from William James to Gibson, emphasizing a relational rather than dualistic approach to understanding perception and action. The conversation spans affordances in cultural contexts, the significance of immediate experience, the importance of teaching and the dynamic relationship between humans and their environment.Video here.Show notes here.00:00 Introduction to Relational Thinking00:45 Affordances and Cultural Domain01:20 Navigating Without Maps01:42 Animacy and Historical Context02:09 Welcome and Guest Introduction02:54 Exploring Affordances with Harry Heft07:25 Upcoming Conversations and Reflections08:46 Harry Heft's Journey into Environmental Psychology12:38 Understanding Ecological Psychology21:08 Behaviorism and Perception37:54 Affordances in Design and Interaction40:59 The Power of Affordances in AI and Robotics42:54 Affordances in Cultural Contexts43:58 Wayfinding and Navigation: A Deeper Dive47:04 Cognitive Maps and Perception01:00:26 The Evolution of Gibson's Theories01:12:30 Teaching and Environmental Awareness01:17:30 Acts of Love in Teaching and WritingHarry's book on James and GibsonAffordances in the Body"Prof. Heft has been on the Denison faculty since 1976. His graduate training was in an interdisciplinary program concerning the relationship between psychological processes and the environment. At Denison, he has been a recipient of the Charles A. Brickman Award for Teaching Excellence. He has also been elected as a Fellow in both the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society. Dr. Heft serves on the Editorial Boards of the journals “Environment & Behavior” and “William James Studies,” and he is the Book Review Editor for the “Journal of Environmental Psychology.” He teaches courses in environmental psychology, history and systems of psychology, and cultural psychology.'Support the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Socrates of Neuroscience: Academic dissonance, unexpected paths & process with Paul Middlebrooks
Dec 11 2024
Socrates of Neuroscience: Academic dissonance, unexpected paths & process with Paul Middlebrooks
Send a love messageNeuroscience, AI, and Philosophy with Paul from Brain InspiredCan we think about education (and age) differently? Was it worth it to give up academia, move into an RV and create a podcast?Can we think differently about computation and representation?Paul Middlebrooks is no gadfly but as you'll hear, the one thing he knows is that he does not know (as Plato quotes Socrates: "All I know is that I know nothing.") He quit academia and started a podcast and has since become an important voice to many of us through his questioning. #loveandphilosophy #neuroai #podcasting #neuroscience #brain #inspired Shownotes: Brain inspired just had its 200th episode ! And this is a celebration of it.Paul spent over 10 years as a neuroscientist studying visual decision-making in nonhuman primates. A few years as a technician, 4 years obtaining a PhD, and 6 years as a postdoctoral researcher. Then he left academia and he and his wife sold all their stuff, moved into an RV, and roamed around the country, ending up in Durango for a time. During that time, he also started Brain Inspired. Now Paul is a Special Faculty Research Associate in the Yttri Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, studying the wonders of neuroethology. 00:00 Introduction and Greetings00:06 Starting the Brain Inspired Podcast00:43 AI and Neuroscience: A Changing Landscape00:59 Philosophical Perspectives on AI03:28 Challenges in Neuroscience Terminology04:11 Struggles with Scientific Paradigms12:30 Exploring Metacognition in Monkeys20:27 Transitioning from Academia to Podcasting23:45 Recording Single Neurons: A Phenomenological Insight32:56 The Motivation Behind the Podcast42:37 Selling Everything and Hitting the Road42:56 Starting an Online Business43:11 The Birth of Brain Inspired44:10 Struggles and Financial Realities45:03 Returning to Academia45:43 The Role of Podcasts in Science Communication49:01 Philosophy and Neuroscience56:35 The Importance of Models in Science01:12:20 The Human Side of Academia01:14:31 Love and Legacy01:20:38 Final ReflectionsPatricia Churchland NeurophilosophyMark H. Bickhard: Mind as Process, Process MetaphysicsJoin #AndreaHiott and #PaulMiddlebrooks from the 'Brain Inspired' podcast. They discuss the evolution of neuroscience and AI from 2018 to 2024, personal journeys in academia, the influence of philosophical perspectives, and the nuances of love and consciousness. Paul shares insights on the challenges of balancing career ambitions with personal values and family life, and how his podcast has become a bridge for deeper learning and connection in the scientific community. This episode is a blend of professional insights and Support the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Paths of Power and Paradox with Minna Salami, author of Sensuous Knowledge
Dec 4 2024
Paths of Power and Paradox with Minna Salami, author of Sensuous Knowledge
Send a love messageMinna Salami is a Nigerian-Finnish and Swedish feminist author, social critic and currently Program Chair at THE NEW INSTITUTE. She is the author of Can Feminism Be African? (forthcoming Harper Collins) and Sensuous Knowledge: A Black Feminist Approach for Everyone (Bloomsbury 2020) which has been translated into multiple languages. Minna is a leading voice of contemporary feminism, she has drawn over a million readers to her multiple award-winning blog this episode, Andrea Hiott has a profound conversation with author and philosopher Mina Salami about her influential book, 'Sensuous Knowledge.' Discussing themes from her book, such as multi-perspectival thinking, paradox, and different ways of understanding power, Mina shares how she integrates various disciplines and explores knowledge beyond a binary viewpoint. The conversation navigates into the relationship between love, meditation, and sensuous knowledge, and revisits Minna's personal journey across different cultures and identities. This enriching dialogue is a must-watch for anyone interested in expanding their understanding of epistemology and embracing more holistic, embodied ways of knowing that open beyond polarities. Introduction to Mina Salami and Her Work01:21 Understanding Paradox in Modern Society03:37 Exploring Sensuous Knowledge04:44 The Distinction Between Sensuous and Sensual31:24 The Concept of Double Consciousness44:33 Meditation and Sensuous Knowledge50:25 The Divine Nature of Poetry51:41 Childhood Experiences with Automatic Writing53:27 Struggles and Spiritual Interpretations55:05 Discovering Automatic Writing and Meditation01:00:02 The Concept of Power and Its Misinterpretations01:01:44 The Mountain Metaphor and Diverse Perspectives01:06:27 Language, Double Consciousness, and Feminism01:11:15 Reimagining Power and Sensuous Knowledge01:32:50 The Role of Love in Knowledge and ExistenceJoin the Substack here: writings here: Bois and Double Consciousness:  #sensuous #knowledgeispower #loveandphilosophy #holdtheparadox #andreahiott #minnasalamiSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
All Those Yesterdays: a lifelong conversation with poet-philosopher John Koethe
Nov 28 2024
All Those Yesterdays: a lifelong conversation with poet-philosopher John Koethe
Send a love messageFrank O'Hara, John Ashbery, Ludwig Wittgenstein, dualism, physics, and more."John Koethe was born on December 25, 1945. He began writing poetry in 1964 during his undergraduate years at Princeton University and went on to receive a PhD in philosophy from Harvard University.Koethe’s Ninety-fifth Street (Harper Perennial, 2009) won the 2010 Lenore Marshall Prize from the Academy of American Poets. He has published numerous other books of poetry, including Cemeteries and Galaxies (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2025); Walking Backwards: Poems 1966–2016 (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018); The Swimmer (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016); North Point North: New and Selected Poems (Harper Perennial, 2003), which was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize; The Constructor (Harper Perennial, 1999); Falling Water (Harper Perennial, 1997), which won the Kingsley Tufts Award; Domes (Columbia University Press, 1974), which won the Frank O’Hara Award for Poetry; and Blue Vents (Audit/Poetry, 1968)." the Intersection of Poetry and Philosophy with John KoetheIn this episode of 'Love and Philosophy,' host Andrea interviews renowned poet and philosopher John Koethe. They discuss the concept of the oscillating self as a bridge between dichotomies, particularly within the realms of poetry and philosophy. John shares his journey from being a young poet influenced by figures like John Ashbury and Frank O'Hara, to earning a PhD in philosophy and balancing both disciplines throughout his career. They explore the themes of self-conversation in poetry, the intersection of scientific and artistic pursuits, and the enduring sense of awe in consciousness. The conversation also touches on the emotional landscapes of Koethe's poetry, including themes of nostalgia and the sublime. The episode concludes with a reading from Koethe's book 'Falling Water.'Please sign up here to support Love and Philosophy.00:00 Introduction to John Koethe00:31 John Koethe's Background and Achievements01:06 Balancing Poetry and Philosophy03:45 Early Influences and Religious Upbringing06:31 Transition to Literature and Philosophy08:43 Discovering Modern Poetry12:52 Meeting Influential Poets21:23 Romanticism and Modernism in Poetry23:46 Philosophical Dualism and the Mind-Body Problem30:18 Modernism in Art, Literature, and Physics33:27 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics34:19 Exploring Perspectives in Poetry35:43 Philosophical Influences and Oscillations41:02 Conversations with Influential Thinkers42:11 The Role of Conversation in Poetry46:26 Philosophy vs. Poetry: Different Constraints53:06 The Sublime and Self-Consciousness58:41 Architecture and the Passage of Time01:01:12 Concluding Thoughts and Future Works01:02:56 Poetry Reading: The Realm of EndsHappy Thanksgiving❤️Support the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
The Real World and its Many Models with philosopher Michela Massimi
Nov 21 2024
The Real World and its Many Models with philosopher Michela Massimi
Send a love messageExploring Perspectival Realism: Are there many paths to the right place?In this episode, Andrea talks with Michela Massimi, a philosopher renowned for her book 'Perspectival Realism.' They look at what these terms mean, discussing the relevance of perspectivism in the philosophy of science and its implications for understanding scientific models, realism, and pluralism. The conversation explores how different perspectives can coexist in scientific inquiry without leading to relativism, and the role of local and experiential knowledge in contributing to scientific understanding. Massimi also shares her personal journey into philosophy and science, the influence of community and historical context on her work, and inspirations of both physics and literature.Perspectival Realism, the book we discuss: Invisible Cities by Italio CalvinoGarden of Forking Paths00:00 Introduction to Perspectival Realism01:02 Exploring Perspectival Realism in Philosophy of Science02:27 Quotes from Borges and Calvino06:43 Michela Massimi's Journey into Philosophy11:04 Combining Physics and Philosophy17:39 Pluralism and Realism in Science20:01 Situated Knowledge and Modeling Reality33:33 The Role of Models in Scientific Inference34:42 Stable Events and Realism in Science37:29 Natural Kinds and Anti-Essentialism41:57 Metaphysics of Reality: Stable Events, Robust Phenomena, and Natural Kinds50:32 The Importance of Historical and Multicultural Perspectives in Science57:14 Philosophy's Role in Addressing Structural and Systemic Issues01:06:59 Personal Reflections and the Interconnectedness of Life and Philosophyhttps://www.michelamassimi.com Kinds: Perspectivism the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Life after Life: Striving with problems (in a good way) with philosopher Alva Noë
Nov 7 2024
Life after Life: Striving with problems (in a good way) with philosopher Alva Noë
Send a love messageAlva Noë is Professor of Philosophy, and Chair of the Department of Philosophy, at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is also a member of the Center for New Media, and the Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences. Professor Noë is a 2012 recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and a 2018 recipient of the Judd Hume Prize in Advanced Visual Studies. Until the end of 2024, he is an Einstein Visiting Fellow at the Free University in Berlin. He is the author of Action in Perception (2004), Out of Our Heads: Why You Are Not Your Brain and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness (2009), Varieties of Presence (2012), Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature (2015), Infinite Baseball: Notes from a Philosopher at the Ballpark (2019), and Learning To Look: Dispatches from the Art World (2022). His latest book is The Entanglement: How Art and Philosophy Make Us What We Are (2023). this conversation, Andrea and Alva engage in an enlightening journey together through the realms of philosophy, neuroscience, and the arts, opening the work Noë has done and exploring its themes of self-awareness, identity, action and perception. With insights from influential thinkers and doers like Vico, Dreyfus, Cezanne, Merleau-Ponty, and Noë himself, this conversation delves into the profound connections between love, work, and personal development and becomes a poetic meditation on meaning and connection. Per usual in Love and Philosophy, we find the motif of the loop that never quite returns to where it started, the dynamic entanglement of life, and how this gets conveyed through writing and language. Alva and Andrea explore the complexities of presence, the role of habits and societal structures, and the evolving understanding of vision and perception. The conversation also shows how interdisciplinary approaches and transformative literature shape our identities and consciousness from childhood on, and ultimately offers a balanced, holistic view of the human experience as difficult but worth it. Tune in for a thought-provoking discourse on the power of performance and the representation of self, including what tricky words like 'representation' and 'agency' might really be pointing at within the intricate dance of art and philosophy.Love and Philosophy Substackwww.loveandphilosophy.comSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Feeling into the Source of Self with neuropsychologist Mark Solms
Oct 30 2024
Feeling into the Source of Self with neuropsychologist Mark Solms
Send a love messageConsciousness is feeling. Thoughts are ways we maintain our homeostasis. A quick conversation with Mark Solms and Andrea Hiott on the topics of Mark's book The Hidden Spring.Mark Solms is a South African psychoanalyst and neuropsychologist known for his discovery of the brain mechanisms of dreaming and his use of psychoanalytic methods in contemporary neuroscience. He is the Chair of Neuropsychology at the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital (Departments of Psychology and Neurology), President of the South African Psychoanalytical Association, and Research Chair of the International Psychoanalytical Association. He founded the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society in 2000 and is a Founding Editor of the journal Neuropsychoanalysis.The Mysteries of the Mind: From Childhood Trauma to Neuroscience InsightsIn this thought-provoking episode, we uncover a deeply personal journey sparked by a childhood trauma that led to a fascination with the brain and consciousness. Join us as a dedicated neuropsychologist and psychoanalyst shares how their brother's severe brain injury at a young age ignited a lifelong quest to understand the mind-body connection. We explore reflections on mortality, the challenges within academia, and pivotal discoveries about the brainstem's role in consciousness. Delve into Freud's neuroscience roots, the subjective nature of the mind, and how feelings underpin our conscious experiences. This episode bridges historical perspectives with contemporary research, offering profound insights into the architecture of consciousness and the essence of human awareness. #consciousness #rawfeeling #neuropsychiatry #freud #loveandphilosophy #hiddenspring #marksolms00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage00:24 A Childhood Trauma: The Accident01:46 The Aftermath: Brother's Transformation02:43 Early Realizations: Mind-Body Connection08:20 Existential Questions and Depression15:59 Academic Pursuits: Neuroscience and Consciousness23:18 Discovering Freud and Psychoanalysis26:07 The Struggle with Subjective Experience in Academia26:53 Personal Reflections on Pain and Guilt28:37 The Embarrassment of Subjective Mind in Science29:24 Behaviorism and the Exclusion of the MindSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Embracing Everyday Battles: Design as Philosophy with Sheng-Hung Lee
Oct 23 2024
Embracing Everyday Battles: Design as Philosophy with Sheng-Hung Lee
Send a love messageA conversation about Life, Longevity, and Human Connection between Sheng-Hung Lee, a designer, engineer, and educator from MIT’s Age Lab with experience at IDEO, and Andrea Hiott, a philosopher working in Heidelberg and the Netherlands. Together they discusses Lee's unique approach to design. He emphasizes design as a human skill rather than a hard or soft skill, focusing on the role of creativity and human connection in problem-solving. Reflecting on his career, including the redesign of the Shanghai Library and projects on longevity, Lee highlights the importance of holistic, life-centered design, community, and fulfillment over achievement. He shares stories about applying design thinking to everyday challenges, such as navigating the complexities of life and orienting towards personal goals in a world driven by efficiency. Lee also touches on designing for longevity, emphasizing holistic approaches and community engagement, while integrating personal anecdotes about cultural challenges and resilience. Join the conversation to explore the profound impact of thoughtful design on life itself, fostering deeper connections and a true sense of love and philosophy in all aspects of living: #humancentereddesign #ideo #fulfillment #loveandphilosophy #longevity The inspirational cards discussed here are at: Introduction to Human-Centered Design01:12 Meet Sheng-Hung Lee: Designer, Engineer, Educator01:54 The Philosophy of Design02:50 Designing for Fulfillment and Systematic Impact06:29 The Role of Patterns in Design13:11 Human-Centered vs. Life-Centered Design15:25 The Business of Design and Co-Creation23:50 Personal Journey and Education31:32 Balancing Achievement and Fulfillment37:14 Physical Coding with Post-it Notes37:28 Boundary Objects and Tangible Artifacts38:18 Embracing Ambiguity in Design39:22 Navigating Life's Challenges41:44 Design Mindset in Everyday Problems43:54 The Importance of Human Connection52:20 Collaborative Design in the Shanghai Library Project57:12 Design for Longevity and Holistic Well-being01:04:07 The Role of Love and Community in Design01:10:40 Final Thoughts and Reflectionshttps://www.shenghunglee.com the Substack here: page: the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Heideggerian Robots of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science with Michael Wheeler
Oct 17 2024
Heideggerian Robots of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science with Michael Wheeler
Send a love messageJoin Michael Wheeler and Mirko Prokop as they dive into Heidegger’s phenomenology and its relevance for cognitive science as well as Michael’s recent work in the nascent field of the cognitive arts and humanities. Touching on philosophical and existential questions about the nature of mind and our relationship to the world and others, they explore the structure of human experience, its bodily, biological and social dimensions and discuss how artistic improvisation and creativity can lead us to see authenticity as the basic dynamic of thinking. 00:00: Introduction and guest welcome02:26: Michael Wheeler’s journey into philosophy04:23: What is phenomenology?07:17: Introspection10:57: The transcendental in the light of history14:35: Heidegger’s Kantian side17:17 : Heidegger vs. Descartes21:22: Dasein: Heidegger’s conception of the subject24:36: Being thrown into a meaningful world26:00: "Equipment" in Heidegger29:00: Being-in-the-world: totalities of involvement36:55: Disturbances and skillful coping41:00: The primacy of "online intelligence“45:46: How often do we experience flow?50:52: The extended mind01:00:15: McDowell on the personal and subpersonal01:05:00: "Orthodox" cognitive science01:10:00: Heideggerian Robots01:12:36: Embodiment01:18:57: Michael’s current work on authenticity01:21:24: Anxiety: being thrown into a social world01:22:03: Authenticity as the basic dynamic of thinking01:26:29: The Cognitive Arts and Humanities 01:32:30: Biology, culture, and non-human animals01:29:21 Integrating Cognitive Science with the HumanitiesSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Synchronizing Mind, Nature, and Neuroscience: Spacetime Experimentation with Georg Northoff
Oct 10 2024
Synchronizing Mind, Nature, and Neuroscience: Spacetime Experimentation with Georg Northoff
Send a love messageJoin us in an intriguing exploration of the connections between the brain, body, and environment with esteemed neuroscientist and philosopher, Dr. Georg Northoff. Discover Dr. Northoff's ground-breaking research on spatiotemporal patterns in brain activity, which illuminates our understanding of consciousness and mental states such as depression and mania. Learn about the dynamic brain processes crucial for psychological well-being and the significance of personalized spatiotemporal patterns in mental health therapy. This episode weaves through Dr. Northoff's philosophical journey, influenced by nature, and thinkers like Kant and Whitehead, advocating a non-reductive neurophilosophy of human interconnectedness, inspired by Chinese philosophy. Expect a thought-provoking discussion that redefines traditional views on the mind and offers a fresh perspective on mental health and ecological ontology.00:00 Introduction to the Brain-Environment Connection00:42 Welcome to the Research Podcast01:38 Introducing Dr. Georg Northoff02:36 Exploring Spatiotemporal Patterns14:43 The Brain's Dynamic Principles19:17 Understanding Spatiotemporal Neuroscience25:16 The Impact of Environmental Context42:37 Personalized Therapy and Mental Disorders46:36 Understanding Breathing Rates and Mental Health47:22 Personalized Breathing Interventions48:35 Synchrony and Psychological Well-being51:23 Schizophrenia and Temporal Fragmentation53:28 The River Metaphor for Schizophrenia56:41 The Role of Spatiotemporal Patterns in Mental Health01:00:55 Curiosity and the Pursuit of Knowledge01:04:07 Philosophical Influences and Neuroecology01:27:36 The Importance of Non-Reductive Neurophilosophy01:30:39 Concluding Thoughts on Science and PhilosophyRoyal Mind Brain Imaging and Neuroethics: of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine: was Andrea's supervisor for her Master thesis and she often attends his lab meetings: https://www.researchgate.neSupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
The Minds of Plants with Paco Calvo: Are plants intelligent?
Oct 2 2024
The Minds of Plants with Paco Calvo: Are plants intelligent?
Send a love messagePaco Calvo leads the MINT Lab and is the renowned author of 'Planta Sapiens,' as we explore the revolutionary concepts of plant intelligence and co-evolution. In today’s rapidly advancing scientific world, the idea of plant intelligence often sparks a heated debate. Can plants think? Do they possess some form of intelligence or cognition? Paco Calvo, the renowned cognitive scientist and philosopher, presents compelling evidence suggesting that plants do indeed have a unique form of intelligence. Calvo elaborates on the critical role of ways plants make their way in the world, promoting a paradigm shift towards ecological humility and interconnectedness. This conversation underscores the importance of redefining scientific practices and education to better understand the vital yet often overlooked relationships between humans and plants. Embrace a new perspective on our ecological allies and their intrinsic value as we advocate for a more integrated and respectful approach to nature.00:00 Introduction and Greetings00:35 Exploring Plant Intelligence01:40 Rethinking Robotics with Plant Inspiration07:32 Darwin's Observations and Plant Behavior13:05 Challenges in Recognizing Plant Intelligence37:00 Educational Perspectives on Intelligence46:11 Embracing the Intrinsic Value of Nature47:55 Rethinking Intelligence and Co-Evolution50:08 The Interconnectedness of Life51:41 Understanding Plant Cognition and Sentience53:55 The Role of Science and Subjective Biases56:28 Exploring Plant Sensory Capabilities01:05:02 The Concept of Love in Plant Life01:24:05 Personal Reflections and the Joy of Observing PlantsPaco Calvo and the MINT lab in Murcia: Sapiens: Support the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.
Power in Polarity? Rethinking opposition in design and life with Alastair Duckworth
Sep 25 2024
Power in Polarity? Rethinking opposition in design and life with Alastair Duckworth
Send a love messageAndrea Hiott chats with award-winning designer Alastair Duckworth to investigate the influential role of polarity and paradox in our lives and creations. They discuss how engaging with seemingly contradictory elements—from religious texts to marketing campaigns like Michael Jordan's Nike ad and VW Beetle—can enhance our understanding and spark creativity. The dialogue covers a spectrum of topics, including design strategies of companies like Airbnb, the impact of extreme sports, and the importance of provocative methods to inspire deep thought and meaningful change. Discover how embracing the tension of opposites can lead to a richer human experience and innovative design solutions.#paradox #power #polarity00:00 Introduction to Paradox and Design01:05 Exploring Polarities in Life and Design01:57 Welcome to Love and Philosophy02:44 Introducing Alastair and the Topic of Polarity03:53 Understanding Polarity in Emotional and Mental Landscapes07:02 The Concept of Dichotomy and Paradox10:30 Alastair's Journey into Polarity and Design15:56 The Role of Paradox in Advertising and Design25:13 Defining Polarity and Its Importance33:42 The Creative Process and the Golden Mean36:15 Balancing Extremes: Transforming Virtues37:31 Philosophical Reflections: Stoicism and Buddhism39:47 Freedom and Constraint: A Dynamic Process44:47 Belonging Anywhere: The Airbnb Example54:39 Designing with Polarities: Practical Applications59:16 The Role of Authenticity and Intention in Branding01:00:17 Embracing Extremes: Positive Polarization01:09:05 The Practice of Holding Opposites01:15:10 Meaning First: A New Approach to DesignAlastair Duckworth is an award-winning designer based in London, UK. He has spent the last two decades exploring the ancient idea of the coincidence of opposites, finding practical ways for people to apply it to their life and work.Find out more at TheGoldenESupport the showPlease rate and review with love. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Substack.