Chris Guest | How I Tested Custom Fitted Eyeglasses

How I Tested That

Mar 20 2024 • 42 mins

In this conversation, Chris Guest discusses the importance of understanding problem perception and the nuances of desirability testing.

He shares insights from his experience with Topology Eyewear, where they tackled the problem of ill-fitting glasses. Chris explains the Problem Perception Spectrum and how it helped them position and communicate their solution. He also emphasizes the need to find early adopters who resonate with the problem and shares his favorite experiments, including a concierge MVP for Topology Eyewear.

Chris Guest shares his experience setting up a pop-up store to test the desirability of a product. He explains how they controlled the experiment and measured interest and feedback from customers. The pop-up store was a success, leading to further scaling and growth.

Chris also discusses the transition from desirability to feasibility and viability, and the importance of trust in the customer experience. He concludes by introducing his current work on traction design and the need to validate market opportunity early on in the startup process.