

Share~Life is encouragement from the Word of God from perspective inspired by the Source of All Life. I believe the core of life is to love God and love one another; Together, We Can Share Life and Share Love! read less
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Read With Me,"Noise" Chapter 12, Part 2
Jun 26 2022
Read With Me,"Noise" Chapter 12, Part 2
This week, we are reading Part 2 of the twelfth chapter titled Is That The Sound Of Blessings Falling?  In Part 1, Mr. Coakley gave us some insight on how he, as a christian was taught to view money and wealth; that christians should not seek to be wealthy or we threaten our chance of making it to heaven, perhaps it is also how many of you were taught as well. Furthermore, he brought to light the worldliness of the prosperity message and the wealthy prophets and teachers that preach it, which is so prevalent in today’s pulpits; it begs the question who do you really serve... God or money? This chapter is particularly eye-opening so I hope you don’t miss the message. If this is your first time here, please get caught up by listening or viewing the first chapter readings which can be found on this podcast or my YouTube channel: - a book that gives "a revealing look at how the devil uses distractions to bring about a "great falling away" of Believers." Author: Andrew K. Coakley other books by the author include: "My Son, listen to my words and live" "Women with jobs, men with PMS" "The Sweetheart Syndrome" "The higher the monkey climbs" Check out my Share~Life with KayVaughn YouTube channel to see a video version of this episode. YouTube channel: Visit my blog and other platforms for other love-inspired and encouraging content:
Read With Me,"Noise" Chapter 10, Part 2
May 28 2022
Read With Me,"Noise" Chapter 10, Part 2
The last 2 weeks were spent in Chapter 10, The Distraction of Civilian Affairs, where we discussed how every day living, spouses, children and family life distracts the believer from what’s truly important, spending time with God, and not because family and every day tasks and duties are not important but while focusing on our lives and all that comes with living our hectic, we must remember who it is we honor with our lives and that this life should be focused on a spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ, He must be the one we are ultimately living for and He we should want to please each and every day. Lastly, If we forsake ourselves by not putting God first, then we are allowing the kingdom of darkness to have its way destroying this world. Noise - a book that gives "a revealing look at how the devil uses distractions to bring about a "great falling away" of Believers." Author: Andrew K. Coakley other books by the author include: "My Son, listen to my words and live" "Women with jobs, men with PMS" "The Sweetheart Syndrome" "The higher the monkey climbs" Check out my Share~Life with KayVaughn YouTube channel to see a video version of this episode. If this is your first time here, please get caught up by listening or viewing the first chapter readings which can be found on this podcast or my YouTube channel: Click here for other platforms with love-inspired content and encouragement from the Word of God:
Read With Me, "Noise", Chapter 8
May 7 2022
Read With Me, "Noise", Chapter 8
This week, we are reading the eighth chapter entitled The Noise Inside My Head.  Last week in the seventh chapter, False Prophets are Meant for Distraction, Mr. Coakley opened the chapter strong with a quick lesson on warfare and how we are currently in warfare with Satan and his soldiers, false prophets and teachers, as they infiltrate the lives of God’s people with lies and deception. Furthermore, he pointed out that despite the many warnings Jesus provided, many will fall for this deception all because these false prophets are saying exactly what people want to hear. Lastly, we are reminded to test the spirits because prophets of old and prophets today are very different and we can determine who are truly prophets of God because we will know them by their fruit. If this is your first time here, I encourage to you start with chapter 1. **Noise - a book that gives "a revealing look at how the devil uses distractions to bring about a "great falling away" of Believers." Author: Andrew K. Coakley other books by the author include: "My Son, listen to my words and live" "Women with jobs, men with PMS" "The Sweetheart Syndrome" "The higher the monkey climbs" Check out my Share~Life with KayVaughn YouTube channel to see a video version of this episode. YouTube channel: Visit my blog for other love-inspired and encouraging content: