May 28 2022
Read With Me,"Noise" Chapter 10, Part 2
The last 2 weeks were spent in Chapter 10, The Distraction of Civilian Affairs, where we discussed how every day living, spouses, children and family life distracts the believer from what’s truly important, spending time with God, and not because family and every day tasks and duties are not important but while focusing on our lives and all that comes with living our hectic, we must remember who it is we honor with our lives and that this life should be focused on a spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ, He must be the one we are ultimately living for and He we should want to please each and every day. Lastly, If we forsake ourselves by not putting God first, then we are allowing the kingdom of darkness to have its way destroying this world.
Noise - a book that gives "a revealing look at how the devil uses distractions to bring about a "great falling away" of Believers."
Author: Andrew K. Coakley
other books by the author include:
"My Son, listen to my words and live"
"Women with jobs, men with PMS"
"The Sweetheart Syndrome"
"The higher the monkey climbs"
Check out my Share~Life with KayVaughn YouTube channel to see a video version of this episode.
If this is your first time here, please get caught up by listening or viewing the first chapter readings which can be found on this podcast or my YouTube channel:
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