The Money Love Podcast

Paige Pritchard

The Money Love Podcast, hosted by Certified Life Coach Paige Pritchard, is the podcast for high-achieving and high-earning women who are looking to ditch scarcity and confusion with their money and move towards a financial life full of confidence, abundance, and clarity. Each week Paige helps you transform your mindset, relationship, and results with money so you can build your dream financial life. Learn the mindset shifts and actionable strategies needed to make more money, nail the art of budgeting, pay off debt, stop impulse spending, build up savings, build financial intimacy in your relationships and so much more. Learn more at read less


189: What to do When You Can't Afford Something
3d ago
189: What to do When You Can't Afford Something
Not being able to afford something is a financial circumstance we all deal with. For most of us, there will always be a list of things we desire, but don't have the money for. But why is not being able to afford something so painful to us? Is it becuase of the lack of money? Or is it becuase of what we make the "lack" of money mean? Trying to escape the discomfort of unmet desire is what drives so many of us into debt, buying things we cannot afford and living a life trying to keep up with the Jones's. In this week's epsidoe of The Money Love Podcast we're talking about what to do when you can't afford something. We're covering how to know what it looks like when you can't afford something, why not being able to afford something is so emotioanlly uncomfortable for us, what causes us to overextend ourselves, and Paige offers her 4 practical tools and tips to ensure you're not spending money you don't have and buying things you can't afford. Enjoy!   Resources mentioned in this episode: Quote: "We spend money we don't have to buy things we don't want to impress people we don't like." - Will Rogers Quote: "Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want." - Naval Ravikant Quote: "There aren’t many iron laws of money. But here’s one, and perhaps the most important: If expectations grow faster than income you’ll never be happy with your money. One of the most important financial skills is getting the goalpost to stop moving. It’s also one of the hardest." - Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money Andrew Wilkinson on The Deep Dive Podcast with Ali Abdaal: The Pursuit of Wealth - Barista to Billionaire
187: Setting Up Your Spending System with Shana and Vanessa, The Budget Besties
Jan 28 2025
187: Setting Up Your Spending System with Shana and Vanessa, The Budget Besties
You don't need another budget. You need a spending system. So many people give up on budgeting after putting their expenses on paper and then fail to implement it in their real life. A budget will do you no good if it's not guiding your everyday decisions while also helping you reach your long-term financial goals automatically. Instead of creating another budget that you'll ultimately give up on, you need to create a system for your money that runs on minimal effort and energy from you. Look no further than this week's episode to get your spending system up and running.    In this week's episode we're diving into what a spending system is and why you need one with Shana and Vanessa, The Budget Besties. Shana and Vanessa are best friends, business partners, and Master Certified Finanicial Coaches who help their clients set up a spending system that runs automatically, shows you exactly where your money is going, and gives you permission to spend.    In this episode we discuss the biggest mindset blocks that are keeping from you from effectively managing your money, why you don't need another budget but rather a budget system, Shana and Vanessa's budget system and the 5 different pillars of it, why automation is your friend, and which bank accounts they recommend using to implement their system. All of their information can be found below if you'd like to connect and work with them further. Enjoy!     Find and Connect with Shana and Vanessa: Their Website (Special for Money Love Listeners) Their Podcast: Financial Coaching for Women Their Instagram: @mybudgetbesties   START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
186: The Childfree Choice and How It Impacts Your Financial Planning with Bri Conn from Childfree Wealth
Jan 24 2025
186: The Childfree Choice and How It Impacts Your Financial Planning with Bri Conn from Childfree Wealth
One of the decisions that will have the biggst impact on your wealth building journey is your choice to be childree or not. Those who choose to be childfree have a different set of circumstances they need to factor into their financial planning. Becuase of this, you need to look at your wealth building through a different lens to support the goals and lifestyle you want to build as a childfree person. This is where this week's episode can help. In this week's episode we're exploring the choice to be childfree and the impact it has on your financial planning. I'm joined by Bri Conn, the Chief Experience Officer at Childfree Wealth, a financial planning firm dedicated to helping Childfree and Permanently Childless people. Bri is also a Chidfree Wealth Specialist® and the co-host of the Childfree Wealth podcast. In this episode we discuss the difference between being childfree and childless, the most annoying things you can do or say to someone who is childfree, the factors that go into someone's choice to be childfree, the 7 ways childfree planning is different than financial planning for someone with children, and how people with children can be supportive to the childfree people in their life. All of the information for Childfree Wealth can be found below, along with all the resources referenced in this episode. Enjoy!     Find and Connect with Bri and Childfree Wealth: Their Website Their Podcast: The Childfree Wealth Podcast Their Instagram Their Book: The Childfree Guide to Life and Money by Dr. Jay Zigmont, CFP®     Resources Mentioned In This Episode: I'll Make You Quit Your Job - Childfree Wealth Podcast (YouTube version) Grandma_Droniak Rating Nursing Homes I Toured   START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
185: Become A Meal Planning Master with Meal Planning Expert, Mandy Klentz
Jan 14 2025
185: Become A Meal Planning Master with Meal Planning Expert, Mandy Klentz
If you're coming into the new year with resolutions to save money and be healthier, look no further than this week's episode with meal planning expert, Mandy Klentz! In 2024 Mandy's instragram (@plandy.mandy) took off when she started sharing the budget-friendly recipes that have made meal time easier for her family. She began turning her family’s meal plans into downloadable PDFs so other busy families could save money on groceries, too. Now, over 30,000 families are using her meal plans to keep their grocery bills in check. In our conversation we discuss how to save money on your grocery bill, the biggest obstacles and hurdles people face (and how to deal with them) at the start of their meal planning journey, Mandy's favorite systems to save time and money in the kitchen, kitchen appliances that are worth the investment, and mindset shifts that can set you up for success with your meal planning. All of Mandy's information can be found below, and make sure to use the code MONEYLOVE30 at checkout to save 30% on any of Mandy's meal plans. Enjoy!   Find and Connect with Mandy: Check out her meal planning guides on Etsy Use code "MONEYLOVE30" at check out to save 30% on your purchase   Follow her on Instagram   Her Website     START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
184: Values-Based Spending & Buying What You Love with Jen Smith, Co-Host of The Frugal Friends Podcast
Jan 7 2025
184: Values-Based Spending & Buying What You Love with Jen Smith, Co-Host of The Frugal Friends Podcast
Many of us think of spending as something you just... do. You make money, and spend it. But in fact, spending isn't something that just happens. It's a skill. It's a practice that you can refine over time and use as a tool to make your life as beauitful and valuable as it can be. One of the most important components of learning the skill of spending is aligning your spending with your values and highest priorities - something refered to as values based spending. It's entirely possible to be financially responsible, hit all your financial goals, and to buy what you love without going broke.   On this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast I'm talking with my friend and the Co-Host of The Frugal Friends podcast, Jen Smith. Jen and I discuss why it's imperitive to think of spending as a skill, why frugality isn't something to resist but rather embrace, how our desires and problems are manufactured by modern day marketing, and why quality over quantity with your spending is the secret to financial success. Jen's new book - Buy What You Love Without Going Broke - is hitting the stands today! You can grab your copy using the links below. Enjoy!   Find and Connect with Jen: Buy the Book - Buy What You Love Without Going Broke   Her Podcast - The Frugal Friends Podcast   Follow Her on Instagram     START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
183: Stop Escaping & Wake Up To Your Life with Emily Judice
Dec 10 2024
183: Stop Escaping & Wake Up To Your Life with Emily Judice
Does it feel like your life is running on auto-pilot? The days feel frantic and run together, and your goal is to make it to the weekends so you can escape and then do it all over again. Sound familiar? If you're ready to go into 2025 making sustainable change in your mindset, health, and wealth then look no further then this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast with my amazing friend, guest, and coach Emily Judice.   In this conversation Emily is sharing the incredible life transformation she has gone through the past 5 years from a burned out mom of four to a calm and sucsessful business owner. We discuss the connection between your health and your wealth, why we are so quick to default to escaping your life, why slowing down is the key to speeding up, how to introduce new habits so they finally stick, and six life changing habits that you can implemnt going into the new year to change your life. All of Emily's information can be found below if you'd like to connect further with her. Enjoy!     Find and Connect with Emily: Her Website   Her Instagram   Get a copy of her book, The Weekenders Club   Join Her Next Health & Wealth 5-Day Challenge     START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
179: Reprogram Your Subconscious Identity To Break Harmful Habits and Get What You Want with Jim Fortin
Oct 31 2024
179: Reprogram Your Subconscious Identity To Break Harmful Habits and Get What You Want with Jim Fortin
Are you feeling frustrated becuase no matter how many budgets you put in place, or how much you manipulate your external environment you continue to self-sabotage? Are you engaging in habits that you know are harmful to you, but you can't seem to break them? If this sounds like you, then this transformational episode of The Money Love Podcast is for you. In this episode I'm talking with Jim Fortin who is the international leading expert in subconscious self-transformation. For more than 20 years, he trained 1000s of people in sales influence, human effectiveness, and NeuroPersuasion®. Jim and I discuss the difference between the brain and the mind, the purpose of your subconscious brain, how your identity can work against you and keep you stuck in patterns you want to break, and we walk through Jim's process to reprogram your subsonscious identity so you can break harmful habits and create the life of your dreams. When you're done listening to this episode, make sure to head over to Jim's instagram (@iamjimfortin) and DM him the word "OVERCOME" to unlock access to his 9-day "Be, Do, Have" challenge. All other information for Jim can be found below. Enjoy!     Find and Connect with Jim: His Website   His Instagram    His Podcast   Work with Jim HERE     START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
178: How To Have A Debt-Free & Obligation Free Holiday Season with Monica Denais
Oct 29 2024
178: How To Have A Debt-Free & Obligation Free Holiday Season with Monica Denais
It's hard to believe that another holiday season is upon us. If you're someone who typically relies on credit card debt to get you through a holiday season that is filled with obligation after obligation, then this is an episode of the Money Love Podcast that you cannot miss.  This is a special episode of the show, becuase in this conversation I was a guest on another podcast, Cafe With Monica, Hosted by Monica Denais. I loved our conversation so much about how to avoid overconsumption during the holidays that I had to share it with all of you. Monica and I talk about why overconsumption during this year is so out of control, why it's so easy to overspend during this time, how to stop doing things during your holiday season that you feel obligated to do and how to break out of the holiday shopping credit card debt cycle. I highly encourage you to check out Monica and her work, which can all be found below. Enjoy! Find and Work with Monica: Her Website Her Instagram  Her Podcast Her YouTube Channel   START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
173: Negotiate Successfully As A Woman with Kathryn Valentine
Oct 8 2024
173: Negotiate Successfully As A Woman with Kathryn Valentine
There are few things that can have a bigger impact on your earning potential over your career than the decision to negotiate. But how can you navigate the negotiation process with confidence without facing backlash? Negotiation in the workplace can be a delicate and tricky dance and there's also a lot of traditional negotiation advice out there that isn't meant for women. So how can you negotiate as a woman to ensure you get what you ask for everytime? This is exactly what I'm breaking down with this week's guest and negotiation expert, Kathryn Valentine.   Kathryn is a gendered negotiation specialist and the founder of Worthmore Strategies. Paige and Kathryn discuss the importance of negotiation and the impact it can make to your net worth over the lifetime of your career. They discuss the biggest obstacles that stop women from negotiating and dive into Kathryn's three strategies to negotiate sucsessfully as a woman. All of the resources referenced in this episode can be found below. Enjoy!   Find and Connect with Kathryn: Her Website   Her Instagram The list of 76 things you can negotiate Her Negotiation Bootcamps Her Negotiation Calculator List of resources to benchmark your salary     START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
172: Dying To Be Good with the Host of the Emotionally Uncomfortable Podcast, Heather Chauvin
Oct 3 2024
172: Dying To Be Good with the Host of the Emotionally Uncomfortable Podcast, Heather Chauvin
Are you someone who always pours into others before you take care of yourself? You make sure the kids, spouse, employees, friends and pets all have what they need before you take care of your own needs. If this sounds like you, you might be dying to be good. This was the story of this week's guest, Heather Chauvin, who after a stage 4 cancer diagnosis in her twenties was pushed to take a deeper stand for change, uncovering how cultural expectations sabotage our dreams. In this episode of The Money Love Podcast Paige is talking to leadership coach, Heather Chauvin. As a women’s leadership coach, TEDx speaker, host of the Emotionally Uncomfortable podcast, and author of the book ‘Dying to Be A Good Mother,’ Heather Chauvin empowers ambitious, overwhelmed women to courageously break free from their fears and authentically live, work, and parent on their own terms. Heather and Paige talk about why we women are programmed to be "good" and how it's harming you, what it means to be emotioanlly uncomfortable (and the harms that occur when you're not), and dive into Heathers strategy around time management (what she calls energetic time management). All of Heathers information can be found below. Enjoy!   Find and Connect with Heather: Her Website   Her Instagram Her Podcast - Emotionally Uncomfortable Her Coaching Services Watch Her TedTalk: Dying To Be A Good Mother     START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
171: Face Your Fear with The School of Becoming Founder, Tracy Litt
Oct 1 2024
171: Face Your Fear with The School of Becoming Founder, Tracy Litt
What do you fear and how is your fear keeping you from reaching your highest potential? Fear of failure? Fear of rejection? Fear of abandonment? Fear of other people's opinions? Fear is one of our most primitive (and in actual danger) helpful emotions. It is woven into our DNA to protect us, keep us safe, and ensure our survival. However, most fear that we experience in the modern world is unproductive fear that keeps us from acheiving the things we are meant to accomplish. Are you someoe who runs away from your fears or faces them head on?   In this week's epsidoe of The Money Love Podcast, Paige is speaking with fear expert and the Founder of The School of Becoming, Tracy Litt on how to face your fear. Tracy is known for her popular TedTalk "Dear Fear: It's Not You, It's Me" and together Paige and Tracy dive into the complicated emotion of fear. They break down the biological origin of fear, the difference between helpful and unhelpful fear, other things that might be masking your fear, and how to face your fear head on. This is a conversation that you won't want to miss, and mae sure to check out all of Tracy's information below. Enjoy!   Find and Connect with Tracy: Her Website   Her Instagram Take Her Ascension Assessment Test Watch Her TedTalk: Dear Fear, It's Not You, It's Me     START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending
170: Go From Financially Stressed To Secure with the Founder of Arise Financial Coaching, Nicole Stanley
Sep 24 2024
170: Go From Financially Stressed To Secure with the Founder of Arise Financial Coaching, Nicole Stanley
Many of us are no strangers to feeling stressed about our financial situation. But how do we break out of this stress cycle and go from feeling financially stressed to financially secure? This week's guest is helping us do just that. We're breaking down what creates the financial stress in the first place, the 4 phases you need to go through in your money journey to become more financially secure, and how not to give up on yourself along the way.   This week Paige is chatting with the founder of Arise Financial Coaching, Nicole Stanley. Nicole is a Latina founder, business owner, and head financial coach of Arise Financial Coaching. After paying off debt and increasing her family’s net worth through investing, she discovered her passion for helping women build and change their communities through wealth. Arise Financial Coaching has helped hundreds of women get out of debt, save money, and become confident investors. Nicole and Arise have been featured on GMA, Yahoo Finance, Time, ABC News, and more. You can connect with Nicole using the links below. Enjoy!     Find and Connect with Nicole: Visit the Arise Financial Coaching Website   Her Instagram     START HERE:  FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations     Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership    Where you can find Paige online: Website:  Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending