Why is counselling like this?

Why is counselling like this?

Podcast RSS feed: https://feeds.feedburner.com/whyiscounsellinglikethis Ever wondered why counsellors do the things they do? We do, so we set out to explore the quirks, 'rules', norms, dogma, and history of counselling from a person-centred, neurodivergent, queer, and anti-oppressive lens, to see if we can shed some light, if not some answers on the world of counselling and generate discussion on how to make counselling more accessible to those with marginalised identities. Who are we? Francis and Sonny are both person-centred counsellors based in Edinburgh, living and working in the intersections of neurodivergence, queerness and disability. Francis (he/him) is trans, white, and multiply neurodivergant. He has a background in the arts, social care, community organising and activism. He grew up between the UK and New Zealand. He works online and via telephone. He has a deep love of nature and landscapes and foraging. Sonny (they/them) is autistic, trans, mixed race, and grew up traveling between the UK and China. They are a co-founder of AMASE (Autistic Mutual Aid Society Edinburgh), work on autism and neurodiversity training and research, and work outdoors and indoors in their counselling private practice. When they are not doing counselling or training related work, they like to hang out in the woods with their dog, dig around in the garden, or imagine what they could build with their lego if only they could finish sorting it. read less
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