Lion Legacy

Penn State Alums Jared Melzer & Ross Weisbrot

The Lion Legacy podcast uncovers stories of Penn State University alumni and their compelling professional and personal journeys. Founded by 2004 graduates and great friends - Jared Melzer and Ross Weisbrot - the duo interviews guests from wide-ranging career industries and dives into how Penn State has prepared them for growth and success. read less


Pete Carmichael, Civil War Historian (#50)
Jul 20 2023
Pete Carmichael, Civil War Historian (#50)
1992 and 1996 Penn State graduate Pete Carmichael is a Civil War professor and historian at Gettysburg College, but this podcast is anything but just a history lesson on America's most famous war. In this episode, Pete brings passion, a new perspective to the past and present, and how learning about history is important for everyone. Trust us, you'll have a new found appreciation after listening. Jump right in:(9:54) - First thoughts on Civil War words and names(16:05) - A surprise about the Civil War(19:33) - Developing a passion for the Civil War(21:25) - The importance of people knowing about the Civil War(27:08) - Piecing together stories of the past(34:33) - Favorite class and student story(40:23) - Latest book "The War for the Common Soldier"(47:27) - POV on Civil War statues and monuments in today's society(53:43) - POV on the potential for a second Civil War(57:57) - Lions Den presented by Penn State ExperienceSpecial thanks to student Adam Babetski of Professor O'Toole's podcasting class for helping to produce this episode.Show off your Penn State pride with the latest apparel and gear by visiting up with all the Penn State news at Penn State's network connecting students and alumni at Legacy is a Baroudeur Production and is not affiliated with Penn State University. Visit us at thanks to for their support.
Mike Poorman, Penn State Faculty Member Extraordinaire (#43)
Dec 26 2022
Mike Poorman, Penn State Faculty Member Extraordinaire (#43)
1982 Penn State graduate Mike Poorman might as well be called Mr. Penn State. Beyond teaching courses in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, Mike is a true champion of students and alumni - advising, interacting and connecting. After this episode, you will surely wish you knew Mike during your days as a student.Jump right in:(6:52) - Cool careers of alumni(8:37) - Teaching a class about Coach Joe Paterno(11:12) - Working on his Masters Degree(16:46) - Advice to the new President of Penn State(19:02) - Faculty mentor of Penn State Field Hockey(22:38) - Faculty advisor of Nittanyville(24:57) - Writing for - Changes in teaching courses(32:26) - Recognizing a Penn Stater(34:10) - Lions Den presented by Penn State Experience(38:53) - Student Question of the Episode presented by The Daily Collegian: Advice for Penn State students getting internshipSpecial thanks to Professor Katie O'Toole's Podcast Class and student Gabe Angieri for helping to produce this podcast.Show off your Penn State pride with the latest apparel and gear by visiting up with all the Penn State news at Penn State's network connecting students and alumni at Legacy is a Baroudeur Production and is not affiliated with Penn State University. Visit us at thanks to for their support.