#56 Christine Smith on Being A Power Connector


Nov 7 2019 • 43 mins

I'll admit it. I hate networking. Or at least I used to, until I met Christine Smith. She is a self-described Power Connector, an out-of-the-box thinker, and a believer in the power of introductions. She has made it her mission in life to bring people together. In this episode Christine will share tips on how reluctant networkers like me can succeed at networking and use it to generate real business results.


* Does everyone hate networking?

* What made Christine want to be a great networker?

* How Christine's approach is different

* The networking mistake most people make

* The five different kinds of connections

* Competition comes from a mindset of insecurity

* Why a having strong network puts you in a position of strength

* The difference between referrals and introductions

* The importance of staying "front of mind"

* How to create a foolproof networking strategy

* Networking tips for introverts

* The right way to network using LinkedIn

You can connect with Christine Smith at https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinesmith34/ (look for the purple hair!)

You can connect with Brian at www.brianrollo.com