The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development began this morning under the theme of “Building back better from the coronavirus disease while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
This afternoon, the Forum will review the implementation of sustainable development goal 17 on partnerships. The Forum will address financing a robust crisis response and investing in the Sustainable Development Goals, mobilizing and sharing science, technology and innovation for an SDG driven recovery, and capacity development and partnerships to maximize the benefits of science, technology and trade for sustainable development.
Start off with some sad news yet again, coming out of Mali, where an armoured vehicle from a UN logistics convoy hit a mine on the Tessalit-Gao axis.
According to an initial assessment, two peacekeepers died from their wounds, and five others were seriously wounded as a result of this attack.
A rapid intervention force was sent to the scene and the injured were evacuated.
The UN peacekeeping mission strongly condemns this attack, which may constitute a war crime under international law, and notes with concern the frequent use of improvised explosive devices intended to paralyze the operations of the UN Mission and to obstruct the return to peace and stability in Mali.
We pay tribute to the peacekeepers who died and offer our condolences to their loved ones, and we wish a full recovery to those injured. I do expect an official statement from the Secretary-General as well who of course also very much condemns this attack.
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