2d ago
105. The Right Thing To Do by LovesBitca8 (Part 3) "Slutty muggle clothing"
We have entered our era of fanfiction. This week we're reading "The Right Thing To Do" by LovesBitca8 (aka Julie Soto, the author of Forget Me Not). This work is the author's first fanfiction, posted in 2017 and served as the inspiration for another beloved fic, "The Auction," due to be published later this year under the title "Rose in Chains.""The Right Thing To Do" feels like a 16-episode corporate romance k-drama complete with makeover sequence, busybody mom, several secondary love interests, and a third-act break-up. At its heart, this story is driven by the character's insecurities and repeated instances of miscommunication, but despite these typically alienizing tropes we devoured this story and the slowburn to a happily ever after.https://archiveofourown.org/works/11472648/chapters/25724661Rating: 5Spice: 3Genre: FantasySub-genre: more romance than plotHeroine: Soft GirlHero: Billionaire, Golden Retriever Tropes: slow burn, forbidden loveOther books mentioned in this episode: Not Another Love Song by Julie Sotohttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/201627074-not-another-love-song