Romans 5:21 - says, Therefore, just as though one man sin entered the world. and death through sin, and in this way death spread to all men because all sinned.
NOTE: Having a good understanding of how sin entered the world, arms or equips you to be able to defend yourself when those thoughts come saying,
Yes, you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, but look at what you said or did, see you are not truly saved.
By having a true understanding of how a person became a sinner, empowers you to fight back because you have a real understanding of what the bible teaches about how a person became a sinner, through the one man Adam, just as Romans 5:21 states.
This means Satan can not trick you, or put self-condemnation on you, for you know who you are as a born-again person through Christ Jesus.
Friend you neither I nor anyone born on the earth after Adam sinned had anything to do with being made a sinner and cast out of the family of God.
You nor I was born when Adam sinned in the garden of Eden.
Yet what he did was so powerful that even today people are still being born sinners from birth.
Join me in this powerful message and never be depressed or struggle in your heart about who you are in Christ Jesus and what that means in a very real way.