Pt 1 - Teaching our mind will and emotions

Gfaith Christian Ministries

Jan 17 2025 • 12 mins

Friends, have you ever wondered why, after trying so hard to do the things that please the Lord Jesus, your mind, will, and Body still want to keep you stuck in the same old thoughts, feelings, and habits that you know are what got you into the messed-up problems that cause you to lose sleep, feel guilty, and rob you of your joy and testimonies? Well, there is a reason why that keeps happening time after time, and here's your answer! When you, me, or anyone except Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, your human spirit, is the only thing that is affected by the new birth, and God tells you, me, and everyone that comes out of the world system, into this new life to do something, which causes your mind and body to accept this new you, which never existed before, which is the meaning of 2 Corinthians 5: 17 - which says, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Friend some of us know that scripture so well we can say it by heart. Yet the true meaning of that scripture has been completely out of our understanding. Brothers and sisters, I am not ashamed to say, that for many years when I first came to the Lord, I never truly understood it until the Holy Spirit was able to get past my human head knowledge and give me true revelation knowledge, which truly transforms us. It causes what is in our born-again spirits to teach our minds and bodies so that instead of fighting and telling us just the opposite of what the Holy Spirit inside of us is telling us, in other words, our minds and bodies get in agreement with what the Holy Spirit is saying, for he always knows and understand the will of God, and is called the helper. So with that let us take Romans 12:2 and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Frind did you see the place that the human mind plays in walking and living through Christ Jesus? Did you get the message in that verse of scripture, our minds can hold us back or put us in the driver's seat in our walk with the Lord. Because God will not violate our human will, he wants us to do things because we love him, and not out of fear and dread , again please understand that our human spirits got saved, now God leaves it up to us to do something about our minds, wills, and bodies. God bless