Jun 14 2024
Ep2- Agritoursim
Today’s topic, Agritourism. We will visit with Dr. Shannon Arnold from Montana State University, Erin Turner of turnerfarms406 in Missoula, and Tamara Roberson of Wandering Acres in Forsythe.”
Montana Farmers Union will again celebrate family farmers and ranchers whose land holdings have been in
their families and in operation for more than 100 years through its Centennial Farm and Ranch Program during MFU’s Annual Convention this year.
What drives Montana’s economy? One huge industry is Agriculture. 62% of the 58.1 million acres of land in Montana is dedicated to farming and ranching. The majestic landscapes, entrances to two National Parks and many outdoor adventures bring in over 12.5 billion nonresident tourists totaling over $5.15 billion dollars
in spending. Today we are going to talk about combining these two industries in a growing trend called agritourism.
Montana officially put “Agritourism” on its books with the 2017 legislative session. Agritourism was added to the Montana Recreational Activities in which participants assume the liability for inherent risks with the passing of House Bill 342 into law on March 2017. The official definition is a form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production or processing with tourism to attract visitors to a farm, ranch or ag business for purposes of entertaining or educating the visitor.
How is agritourism beneficial to producers? It can provide cash flow during the off season, sell products grown on your operation, and share your passion of agriculture with others. How is agritourism beneficial to consumers? The public can learn where their food is grown, the truth about farming methods, provide local/fresh produce, and engage youth in learning opportunities.
Agritourism Resources
The Montana’s Agritourism Manual- aeromt.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Agritourism-Manual.pdf
agritourism in Montana website MontanaAgritourism.com.
Local food guide, a printable farmers market guide, and a searchable food and farms map- abundantmontana.com
Erin Turner- Turner Farms 406
Tamara Robertson- Wandering
Dr. Shannon Arnold-Professor in Agricultural
Education at Montana State University.
I have learned so many avenues of exploring Montana Agriculture as a consumer and have initiated ideas for expanding revenue streams for farmers and ranchers with Agritourism. Our guests were so full of knowledge,
passion, and energy.
If you are a Montana Agricultural Producer, I challenge you to look at the Montana Agritourism Manual at EROMT.org, the MontanaAgritourism.com website, and the materials at AbundantMontana.com. Do an inventory on your business and see what opportunities you already have available, could offer, or would like to develop. Reach out to these amazing resources for help.
If you live or vacation in Montana, I challenge you to visit the Interactive Food and Farm Map at abundantMontana.com and find a farmers market or farm stand to visit. Accept the challenge to try something new and take an adventure with an agricultural tour, event, or festival!
The Trivia Question for Lunch & Learn Episode 2 on 6-14
According to a local food economics study about Agritourists in the West conducted in 2016, what
percentage of travelers spending was at the agritourism site?
“Montana Farmers Union Lunch & Learn Podcast is a resource for agricultural producers, support industry, and consumers. Join MFU today and make your voice heard
advocating for family farmers, ranchers, and rural communities. Visit Montanafarmersunion.com, mfumt on Instagram, or MFUfarmers of Facebook to see events and opportunities.”