EP37 From Building Plaques to Building Performance A discussion with Ryan Miller of NCBPA

Building HVAC Science

Jan 28 2019 • 35 mins

I’ve never thought about entrepreneurship when it comes to trade associations.

I just thought they always existed.

Well, in the nascent world of building performance, I should have known better.

Listen in as we chat with Ryan Miller, the founder and executive director of the North Carolina Building Performance Association, as he describes his vision for the future of building performance.

He believes poor building performance is one big problem to solve and he aims to do it in his state by connecting all the stakeholders with education and information, as well as lobbying and training.

And he is not just stopping in his state as he supports and gets involved with like-minded organizations across the country.

Pay particular attention to the four points he notes in his strategic plan:

Market Valuation

Policy and legislation

Work Force Development
And Consumer Education

If you want to learn more you can reach Ryan via his website: www.BuildingNC.org