Episode 52: Your Questions Answered pt. 1

The BEARD MAIL Podcast

Jan 18 2023 • 37 mins

In this episode, we answer questions put to us in our Facebook group. There were so many questions asked, we had to split this topic into two parts. Tune in to see how we answered the following questions.

  • If you could be a cake, what type would you be?
  • Tell us about the time you met David Goggins in a hotel hallway and what transpired thereafter.
  • Who's your favourite Damopose defender and why?
  • What disney princess would be the best at being a spy? Also, If animals could talk which would be the loudest and rudest among them?
  • Do you think a live band is essential at a wedding, over just having a disco?
  • Live in a world where transformers are real or teenage mutant ninja turtles? Side question which transformer/turtle would you be?
  • If you could be in any Horror film what one would it be and why?

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