
Called to More

Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity. New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Ep. 35 | What It Means to "Put on Christ"
Jun 12 2023
Ep. 35 | What It Means to "Put on Christ"
The New Testament talks a lot about "putting on Christ" β€” but what does that mean? Is it just a bad translation, or is there something we can learn from this phrase? Fr Gavan explains.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #35Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 34 | Actions Have Consequences (& Leave Lasting Marks)
Jun 5 2023
Ep. 34 | Actions Have Consequences (& Leave Lasting Marks)
We are either growing or declining in virtue β€” never stagnant. (In fact, stagnation may imply a decline.) So, what are you? Well, look at your actions, especially the habitual ones. Is virtue something that comes naturally, or are there vices you just can't get rid of? Actions have consequences, and, if we don't mend our ways, sometimes lasting ones that shape our entire character.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #34Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 33 | Pursue the Good Because It's Good (Use Your Conscience)
May 29 2023
Ep. 33 | Pursue the Good Because It's Good (Use Your Conscience)
The dynamics of holiness: how do we become holy in practice? When a person is elevated in Baptism, when they receive sanctifying grace, they are not automatically holy or, indeed, automatically guaranteed Heaven. Faith without works is dead. By their fruits we shall know them.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #33Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 32 | Is Your Faith Too Platonic?
May 22 2023
Ep. 32 | Is Your Faith Too Platonic?
Today we are looking at the human person as the subject of holiness (as opposed to animals or plants) β€” what makes it possible for us to become saints? Why are we elevated, transformed to children of God? What in our essence does that β€” and what are the consequences of this great honour?πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #32Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 31 | This Is Your Call to Holiness
May 15 2023
Ep. 31 | This Is Your Call to Holiness
If God calls Himself holy, is it possible for us to also be holy? Are we split into those who are merely saved, and those who are actually saintly? Fr Gavan talks about how holiness is available, for you and for me, if we strive for it.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #31Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 30 | How Do I Become More Holy?
May 8 2023
Ep. 30 | How Do I Become More Holy?
Have you ever laughed at the idea of becoming a canonisable saint? Sure, it's hard to imagine, but as Catholics it should be our ambition. Father looks at holiness in the Bible, theology and the history of the Church β€” exploring what it is and how we can attain it.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #30Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 29 | Looking at the Life of St Joseph
May 2 2023
Ep. 29 | Looking at the Life of St Joseph
With the Feast of St Joseph the Worker yesterday, we look at his life, his work and how that relates to us. Joseph the father, the worker, the commuter β€” what did that look like? Could he cut corners, have miracles worked for him, or was he just like you and me?πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #29Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 28 | How to Stop Being Lazy
Mar 27 2023
Ep. 28 | How to Stop Being Lazy
The seventh and final deadly sin is sloth, and it's a tricky one being a sin of omission. Not getting up at the first alarm, procrastinating on tasks, not caring about things or people. These things can be sinful or lead us to sin, and it's helpful to watch out for them.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #28Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 27 | The Five Aspects of Gluttony
Mar 20 2023
Ep. 27 | The Five Aspects of Gluttony
Overeating can make us spiritually sluggish; under-eating can lead us into the sin. How to have the right relationship with food is a surprisingly complex topic. Fr Gavan unpacks its five aspects.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #27Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 25 | Is It Sinful to Be Angry?
Mar 6 2023
Ep. 25 | Is It Sinful to Be Angry?
Anger is often misunderstood: is it an emotion, a sin, or could it be both? Jesus got angry, so why can't I? Fr Gavan explains when anger is okay, and when it is a power surge.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #25Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 24 | Envy: The Green Eyed Monster
Feb 27 2023
Ep. 24 | Envy: The Green Eyed Monster
Shakespeare calls it "the green eyed monster", St Augustine calls it "the diabolical sin". Envy, we're told, can lead us to the worst of crimes. We are all victims of envy.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #24Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 23 | Is Money an Idol for You?
Feb 20 2023
Ep. 23 | Is Money an Idol for You?
Avarice: an intense kind of greed. A love of money. The second deadliest sin. "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." We cannot serve two masters.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #23Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 22 | What Is the Worst Sin?
Feb 13 2023
Ep. 22 | What Is the Worst Sin?
Did you know that the seven deadly sins are actually listed in order of importance? Today Fr Gavan looks at the deadliest of them all.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #22Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 21 | Winning the War with Our Passions
Feb 6 2023
Ep. 21 | Winning the War with Our Passions
Temperance is so much more than watching what we eat and drink. In our human nature, we often feel our passions are at war with our soul. This comes to the forefront with temperance.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #21Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 20 | The Value of Suffering
Jan 30 2023
Ep. 20 | The Value of Suffering
In the world, people often try to avoid suffering at all costs; but as Catholics, we know that suffering can be an opportunity for good. Fr Gavan looks at the value of suffering and the virtue of fortitude, the third of the Cardinal Virtues.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #20Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 19 | How to Practise Justice
Jan 23 2023
Ep. 19 | How to Practise Justice
Justice is a word that’s often hijacked. But in the Catholic context, it remains elevated as one of only four cardinal virtues. Fr Gavan explores its meaning and role in our lives today.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #19Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 18 | How to be a Good Person
Jan 16 2023
Ep. 18 | How to be a Good Person
In these next four episodes we will be looking at the Four Cardinal Virtues. These can be traced back to the early Greek philosophers who saw there were four basic qualities without which we cannot be good people. Today, we look at the first β€” prudence. πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #18Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 17 | How to "Exit" Christmas
Jan 9 2023
Ep. 17 | How to "Exit" Christmas
As Christmas comes to a close, how can we "exit" β€” not in a gloomy way, but in a way that makes the most of the grace we've received?πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #17Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):
Ep. 16 | The Magi Meet the Infant God
Jan 2 2023
Ep. 16 | The Magi Meet the Infant God
In a few days we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, a Greek word meaning "shining out" or "manifestation". In this feast, we celebrate the shining out of Jesus beyond the Chosen People.πŸ”΄  ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.πŸ”΄  THIS SERIESMeditations | Episode #16Meditations is a weekly podcast with Fr Gavan Jennings produced by Called to More. Each week you can expect a meditation to pray with and to use as a seed for continued prayer β€” on the life of Jesus, his Church and how we can attain sanctity.New episodes every Monday at 6pm GMT.Listen here, YouTube, or anywhere you usually find your podcasts.πŸ”΄  GIVINGWe couldn't create this series without our supporters. If you find these episodes helpful or think they might help others, please consider joining our support team below. Donate to us directly: you.πŸ”΄  WEBSITESFor more content, visit our website: https://www.calledtomore.orgπŸ”΄  SOCIAL MEDIAYouTube: ​​ (Little by Little): (Meditations):