09: Lessons learned launching coworking spaces worldwide with Sheree McIntyre

The ChangeMakers in Commercial Real Estate

Sep 21 2022 • 18 mins

Coworking is nothing new. In fact, the first ever coworking space was built way back in 2005 but it took a while before really gaining traction. Today, coworking has been deemed a priority for anyone who owns or manages an office building - and it’s making its way to the suburbs.

In this episode of The ChangeMakers in CRE, we chat to Sheree McIntyre, Founder & CEO of Coworking Counsel. Sheree has spent the last 20 years as a leader in the coworking and flex space arena with some of the largest global coworking operators.

She has launched Coworking Counsel to offer specialised coworking consultation services to commercial landlords, developers and asset managers wanting to provide coworking spaces in their buildings.

Here’s what we covered:

  • How commercial landlords are responding to coworking
  • The biggest learnings for landlords
  • Why coworking is moving to the suburbs
  • Opportunities for coworking in a post-pandemic world

Head toRe-leased.com for more insights

Connect with Tom Wallace, host of the show and CEO of Re-Leased here.