EP 147: Be Courageous...Be THAT GIRL (Part 2)

Pray Plan Slay Podcast

Jan 24 2024 • 22 mins

On this weeks episode we are exploring the essence of courage and how it can be a transformative force in your life. We are diving into the importance of courage and discovering practical steps and inspiring examples to infuse courage into our everyday life. From facing small fears to developing a growth mindset, this episode is a guide to empowering living with unwavering courage.

Get your copy of the Re-Discover Your Purpose Guide here: https://www.shauntesaphire.com

How To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs: https://prayplanslay.libsyn.com/ep-21-how-to-overcome-your-limiting-beliefs

Get You A Miss Nigeria: https://prayplanslay.libsyn.com/ep-18-get-you-a-miss-nigeria


You can now send questions for the “Ask Shaunté” segment on the podcast. Once I get enough questions, I will start the segment. Please email your questions to info@prayplanslay.com or send me an DM on Instagram.


Shaunté Saphire

Shaunté Saphire - @shauntesaphire

Website: https://www.shauntesaphire.com

Pray Plan Slay - @prayplanslaypodcast