Nov 8 2023
What Is A Nappy Tax In South Australia And Is It A Good Idea?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!
What Is A Nappy Tax In South Australia And Is It A Good Idea?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster! South Australia Nappy Tax - We have to assume that the government making their residents’ lives easier and more comfortable would be in their best interest. They have the purpose of serving their citizens by providing good and just governance, establishing beneficial laws, ensuring order and offering essential services. Of course, this includes making the best decisions in regards to waste management. However, one proposed rubbish disposal scheme dubbed the ‘nappy tax’ has been making news as of late which was met with a lot of controversy and criticism in South Australia. Let’s talk about it more below. Do you live in South Australia and have any babies or toddlers in your house? If so, then you should be aware that a new waste disposal proposal in South Australia dubbed the nappy tax is being studied and could potentially be implemented. The Green Industries department of South Australia is examining the concept of a ‘pay-as-you-throw’ waste disposal system, aiming to reduce household council rates whilst implementing increased fees based on the weight of rubbish placed for collection. Obviously, a lot of South Australians opposed the idea. None of them would give it a chance, and with good reason. Here are some of the residents’ comments as interviewed by: “It doesn’t make sense, it is not equitable,” one man told 9News Adelaide on Wednesday. Another resident said council services needed to be “balanced and fair”. “And I think we pay a lot already for everything, for every other service,” she said.