Episode 46: Tap Into Desire For a Vibrant Life

Common Ground: On the Yoga Path

Feb 22 2024 • 29 mins

In this episode, we explore what it feels like when you repress desire and how to reconnect to it for a more passionate, vital life. Once you’re reconnected, we learn to observe different types of desire. Does your wanting come from a past pattern of pain or from a higher place? We discuss the difference. Listen now and let us know if this made you think of desire in a new way. 💡


Join Lianna, Meeraj, and Sydney to explore how most of (y)our yoga practice happens outside of the four walls of a studio. Join four yoga teachers (and forever students) as we chat candidly about how our yoga lives unfold on and off the mat. We share from the heart about our experience of yoga philosophies and other traditions and how they apply now. We gather to nurture human interaction, community, and the conversations you crave. For those looking to enhance the well-being of (y)our world.

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