Episode 008: What If Someone Ghosts You?

Your Photographer Mom

Dec 5 2023 • 32 mins

What If Someone Ghosts You?
In this week's photography podcast, we talk about:

  • A Few Of My Own Ghosting Stories
  • Ghosting Can Happen to ANYONE
  • Client Ghosting + Creative Ghosting
  • Approaching Inquiries as Inquiries
  • Not Every Client or Creative Professional is The Best Fit for Every Photographer (or Creative)
  • Don't Let Ghosting Gnaw Away At You!

Wanna know this episode in one quote? I got you!

"Don't let it (ghosting) impact your work! And most of all? Don't let it impact how you feel about yourself. If you stick to shooting for a long time, you're going to have days that rock and days that really suck. This is just a day that sucks!"

*Marked explicit for swears!

Photography Website | Opal and June | Education + Books | Photographer Merch | Instagram


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