#47: To Infinity and Beyond


Mar 5 2020 • 34 mins

This week's episode features two storytellers from our May 2018 collaboration with Broad Science: Maya Hey and Alex Allard.

Broad Science is an initiative dedicated to making science inclusive, engaging, and intersectional, through podcasting  — check out their work at www.broadscience.org.

Maya Hey is a Vanier scholar and doctoral candidate at Concordia University. She uses feminist theories to study fermentation.

Alex Allard is a member of the Indigenous Health Professions Program at McGill University.

Thanks to the Conseil des Arts de Montreal for their support of Confabulation.

Music credit: Can't Have You by Bent by Elephants from their album This is Water. You can find more of their music at https://bentbyelephantsband.bandcamp.com/