Ep20. How To Network at Gigs - Intentional or Opportunistic?


Jan 16 2023 • 32 mins

Still tickets available for the live show, Openback Live, on 22nd Feb!

"It's not what you know it's who you know" is something that as creatives we hear all the time. It's the go-to piece of advice, which ironically doesn't really help unless you know some of these miracle people. Advice on HOW to network would be far more useful. This week we delve into this idea and end up arguing over the smallest elements of this process. However, I truly believe that when it comes to networking it's these really small details that can make all the difference.

We sort of touched on this in the last episode and Tristan thought it would be worth going a bit more in-depth. What's the best way to network at a gig?

Tickets to the Live show - Click here!!