Selling with Sandra - how to smash that glass ceiling

Sandra Carder

Do you want to be a Sales Super Star? This is a step by step guide on exactly what you need to do to be a high performing sales person in any sales role.

I will guide you through the habits, tools and practices that I have created over the past 22 years so you can stand apart from the rest and make more money than you ever thought possible.

This Podcast is ideal for anyone in SALES who wants to fine tune their daily business practices to make sure they are consistently kicking goals, achieving their dreams and living their best life.So tune in, sell hard and let's smash that glass ceiling together.

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So my client wants to DIY his real estate needs.....
Feb 14 2024
So my client wants to DIY his real estate needs.....
In today's episode, we'll discuss the top reasons why relying on experts such as commercial real estate agents and lawyers can make all the difference in your property ventures:1. Expertise: Professionals bring specialised knowledge and experience to the table, ensuring informed decision-making.2. Market Insights: Gain access to valuable market data and trends, providing a competitive edge in property transactions.3. Negotiation Skills: Skilled negotiators can secure favorable deals on your behalf, maximizing returns.4. Legal Compliance: Lawyers ensure that all legal aspects of the transaction are handled meticulously, mitigating risks.5. Time-Saving: Delegate tasks to professionals, freeing up your time for other priorities.6. Access to Networks: Leverage extensive industry connections for off-market opportunities and financing.7. Risk Management: Professionals conduct thorough due diligence to minimize risks associated with transactions.8. Documentation: Ensure accuracy and completeness of contracts and agreements, reducing errors.9. Objective Advice: Receive impartial guidance based on expertise, facilitating informed decision-making.10. Long-Term Benefits: Harness the expertise of professionals for lasting success and profitability in your commercial real estate endeavors.Stay tuned as we delve deeper into each of these points to help you navigate the world of commercial real estate like a pro. Let's get started!Support the showFor the juicy dirt on the industry - subscribe now for the cost of a cup of coffee and get all the low down on the day to day! Check out our new website at visit http://sellingwithsandra.comWould you like to get into Commercial Real Estate?Contact me on 0418 2222 57Or Email Sandra on Follow Sandra on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Linkedin #sellingwithsandra#onlycommercial #cre#milliondollaragent
8 Reasons to Advertise on Facebook
Aug 19 2023
8 Reasons to Advertise on Facebook
Massive User Base: With over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of my last update in September 2021, Facebook offers access to an enormous and diverse audience from around the world, making it an ideal platform to reach potential customers.Precise Targeting: Facebook's advanced targeting options allow you to reach specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and even life events. This precision ensures your ads are shown to the people most likely to be interested in your offerings, maximizing your ad spend efficiency.Lookalike Audiences: Facebook's algorithm can analyze your existing customer data to identify users who share similar characteristics and behaviors. This helps you find new potential customers who are likely to be interested in your products or services.Various Ad Formats: Facebook offers a range of ad formats, including image, video, carousel, slideshow, and more. This diversity allows you to choose the format that best suits your content and goals, enhancing engagement and interaction.Measurable Results: Facebook's ad platform provides detailed analytics and insights into your campaigns. You can track metrics like clicks, impressions, engagement, conversions, and more, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your ads and make data-driven decisions.Flexible Budgeting: Whether you have a small or large budget, Facebook advertising allows you to set daily or lifetime budgets, and you can adjust them based on performance. This flexibility ensures that you can control your spending and optimize your campaigns as needed.Engagement and Interaction: Facebook ads can encourage direct engagement through likes, comments, shares, and even direct messages. This creates an interactive environment where you can build relationships with potential customers, answer their queries, and address their concerns in real time.Your competition is going to – if you don’t they will or they already are. Don’t miss the boat.Support the showFor the juicy dirt on the industry - subscribe now for the cost of a cup of coffee and get all the low down on the day to day! Check out our new website at visit http://sellingwithsandra.comWould you like to get into Commercial Real Estate?Contact me on 0418 2222 57Or Email Sandra on Follow Sandra on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Linkedin #sellingwithsandra#onlycommercial #cre#milliondollaragent
The pitfalls of ghosting in business
Aug 14 2023
The pitfalls of ghosting in business
Why you should never ghost someone in a business environment:-Lack of Communication: Not responding to business emails and text messages can convey a lack of communication and interest in the ongoing professional relationship.Missed Opportunities: Ignoring messages may lead to missed opportunities, such as potential collaborations, partnerships, or deals that could benefit your business.Negative Impression: It creates a negative impression on the sender, suggesting that you don't value their time or input, which can damage your professional reputation.Delayed Progress: Failing to respond promptly can cause delays in projects, decision-making, and overall progress, hindering the efficiency of your business interactions.Breakdown of Trust: Consistent communication is key to building and maintaining trust with clients, colleagues, and partners. Ignoring messages erodes that trust.Professionalism and Etiquette: A fundamental aspect of professionalism is acknowledging and responding to messages promptly. It reflects your commitment to professionalism and business etiquette.Customer Service: Poor communication can frustrate customers, clients, or partners, leading to dissatisfaction and potentially causing them to seek alternatives.Misunderstandings: Lack of response can lead to misunderstandings, as the sender may assume you received and understood the message when you did not.Lost Networking Opportunities: Ignoring messages can lead to missed networking opportunities, limiting your ability to connect with industry peers and potential mentors.Support the showFor the juicy dirt on the industry - subscribe now for the cost of a cup of coffee and get all the low down on the day to day! Check out our new website at visit http://sellingwithsandra.comWould you like to get into Commercial Real Estate?Contact me on 0418 2222 57Or Email Sandra on Follow Sandra on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Linkedin #sellingwithsandra#onlycommercial #cre#milliondollaragent
Email Roulette: Beware of the Content You Send!
Jul 31 2023
Email Roulette: Beware of the Content You Send!
Permanent record: Emails can be saved and stored indefinitely, creating a permanent record of your words that can be revisited or used against you in the future.Misinterpretation: Written communication lacks non-verbal cues, making it easier for recipients to misinterpret your tone or intentions, potentially leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.Forwarding and sharing: Emails can be easily forwarded or shared without your knowledge or consent, allowing the content to spread to unintended recipients and contexts.Lack of context: Emails often lack the context surrounding a conversation, making it difficult for others to understand the full picture, potentially leading to misrepresentation of your views or actions.Emotional responses: Sending an email in the heat of the moment can lead to emotional responses and impulsive writing, which may include regrettable or offensive content.Career implications: Emails containing unprofessional or inappropriate content can damage your reputation and career prospects, as they reflect your communication skills and judgment.Legal consequences: Certain content in emails, such as discriminatory remarks or confidential information, can have severe legal implications if it violates privacy laws or anti-discrimination regulations.Technology mishaps: Technical issues, like accidental "reply all" or selecting the wrong recipient, can result in unintended parties receiving sensitive or confidential information, leading to potential harm.Support the showFor the juicy dirt on the industry - subscribe now for the cost of a cup of coffee and get all the low down on the day to day! Check out our new website at visit http://sellingwithsandra.comWould you like to get into Commercial Real Estate?Contact me on 0418 2222 57Or Email Sandra on Follow Sandra on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Linkedin #sellingwithsandra#onlycommercial #cre#milliondollaragent
5 Ways To Get a Grip on *SELF*  Discipline 🏋🏻‍♀️
Jun 23 2023
5 Ways To Get a Grip on *SELF* Discipline 🏋🏻‍♀️
5 Ways To Get a Grip on Self Discipline and smash your goals! 1.     Set Clear Goals: Start by setting clear and achievable goals for yourself. When you have a clear destination in mind, it becomes easier to stay disciplined and work towards it.2.     Create a Routine: Establish a daily routine that aligns with your goals and priorities. A well-structured routine helps in managing time effectively and ensures that you allocate dedicated time for sales-related activities.3.     Prioritise and Focus: Learn to prioritise your tasks based on their importance and impact. Focus on the activities that directly contribute to your sales goals and avoid getting caught up in low-value tasks that can consume your time and energy.4.     Stay Accountable: Find ways to hold yourself accountable. This can be done through self-reflection, tracking your progress, or even finding an accountability partner who can support and motivate you.5.     Embrace Continuous Learning: Stay hungry for knowledge and consistently seek opportunities for growth. By learning new sales techniques, industry trends, and honing your skills, you stay ahead of the game and maintain your discipline in the sales field.Sell Hard and Smash that Glass Ceiling#sellingwithsandra Support the showFor the juicy dirt on the industry - subscribe now for the cost of a cup of coffee and get all the low down on the day to day! Check out our new website at visit http://sellingwithsandra.comWould you like to get into Commercial Real Estate?Contact me on 0418 2222 57Or Email Sandra on Follow Sandra on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Linkedin #sellingwithsandra#onlycommercial #cre#milliondollaragent
Say I told you so, without saying I told you so!
Apr 12 2023
Say I told you so, without saying I told you so!
It's time to say goodbye to the days of hard selling! Trying to force someone to buy something just isn't the way to go anymore.In fact, it can do more harm than good. No one wants to feel like they're being pressured to make a purchase.Instead, it's important to let people make their own decisions. If they decide not to buy something, that's okay. Let them miss out! That way, when they come back to you the second time, they'll remember how you didn't pressure them into buying the first time around.But let's talk about why hard selling is a thing of the past. First of all, it's just not effective. People don't want to feel like they're being sold something.They want to make their own decisions based on their own needs and desires.Secondly, hard selling can damage your reputation. If people feel like they were pressured into buying something, they're not going to have a positive impression of you or your business.So, let's embrace a new way of doing business. Let's let people make their own decisions and be there for them when they're ready to make a purchase.Let the miss out and learn how to say 'I told you so, without actually saying it'. Support the showFor the juicy dirt on the industry - subscribe now for the cost of a cup of coffee and get all the low down on the day to day! Check out our new website at visit http://sellingwithsandra.comWould you like to get into Commercial Real Estate?Contact me on 0418 2222 57Or Email Sandra on Follow Sandra on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Linkedin #sellingwithsandra#onlycommercial #cre#milliondollaragent
Be Humble!
Mar 9 2023
Be Humble!
Using manners and being humble can be incredibly valuable not only when selling, but in any situation. Being polite and humble helps foster strong relationships because it demonstrates respect for others, which leads to feelings of goodwill. On the other hand, failing to practice good manners or being arrogant can create animosity between people, ultimately making communication and collaboration difficult.  This is a business relationship killer.Studies have shown that people who practice politeness tend to be more successful because they are perceived as more reliable, trustworthy, and likable. Additionally, those with good manners have been found to be better liked by their peers while also receiving more help from them when needed. Lastly, using politeness and humility is beneficial in any situation because it conveys respect for others without implying superiority or dominance over them.When it comes to humility, Forbes says it best: "True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less." In other words, being humble isn't about putting yourself down or making yourself smaller; it's about having a realistic view of your own importance.Here are some of the best ways to be humble, according to Forbes:·      Acknowledge your successes, but don't dwell on them. Don't let your accomplishments go to your head; remember that they're not the only things that define you.·      Be open to criticism and feedback. It can be difficult to hear negative feedback about ourselves, but it's important to be open to it. It can help us improve and grow as people.·      Don't compare yourself to others. We all have our own unique talents and gifts, so there's no need to compare ourselves to others. Accepting ourselves for who we are is an important part of humility.·      Be grateful for what you have. Instead of always focusing on what we don't have, let's take some time to appreciate the good things in our lives. From our family and friends to our health and homes, there's so much to be grateful for.Stay Humble #sellingwithsandra #behumble #salesSupport the showFor the juicy dirt on the industry - subscribe now for the cost of a cup of coffee and get all the low down on the day to day! Check out our new website at visit http://sellingwithsandra.comWould you like to get into Commercial Real Estate?Contact me on 0418 2222 57Or Email Sandra on Follow Sandra on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Linkedin #sellingwithsandra#onlycommercial #cre#milliondollaragent