His fake transformation photos went viral | Luke DePron on Your Personal Growth, Personal Brand Podcast

Your Personal Growth, Personal Brand Podcast

Nov 24 2022 • 49 mins

Years ago Luke DePron, a Weight Loss and Transformation Coach, took transformation photos of himself for a Huffington Post article. Since then, supplement companies have stolen and recycled his photos as "proof" of their product.

But there's one itsy bitsy little problem: the photos were fake!

For the article, Luke took a photo of himself looking scruffy, sad, and out of shape. Three hours later after hitting the gym and getting ready for some glam shots, he took his "after" photos.

The point of the article was to show how easy it is to use fake transformations and testimonials to sell products.

To this day he still kindly lets companies know not to use his photos!

Luke and I had a blast nerding out about fitness, weight loss myths, and so much more!

Check out Luke on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luke-depron-weight-loss-performance-coach-0755a238/


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