Decluttered By Design

Kelly Jayne McCann

Weekly tips to help you declutter your life, so you can live your best life! Host Kelly Jayne McCann, a clutter coach, professional organizer and intentional living mentor, provides practical guidance to help people overcome the emotional hurdles that keep them tethered to clutter. As the founder of, she's helped people all over the world shift their mindsets and build the habits that allow them to live clutter-free. Each episode focuses on a single idea and provides a quick call to action - nothing fussy, nothing complicated. It's decluttered by design, just the way life should be! read less


How To Overcome Fear and Take Action
Aug 18 2023
How To Overcome Fear and Take Action
I am sharing a foolproof two-step process to help you overcome anxiety from all the 'what if' scenarios that get in the way of taking confident action. If you've been pussyfooting around because you're afraid you'll regret your decision then this episode is for you. It's the perfect antidote for anxious ruminating. The beauty of the process is you can use it whenever you are stuck between wanting to take action and feeling scared that it may not turn out well (that's an icky place, right)? What I'm sharing is super simple but incredibly powerful.As promised in the episode, I'm doing something scary myself. I am sharing Ten Things about me that I'm nervous about letting you in on, but I know it's the right thing to do because they inform my work in a deep and meaningful way.  And you deserve transparency about who I am (hello know, like, and trust factor!).  Here's the link to get the list: Ten Things I'm Nervous To Share.  I'll also send you a bonus - my framework for rewriting your own stories and beliefs so you can feel better about the past and move forward with greater confidence. It has the potential to be life-changing - it's that good!  Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
How To Finish The Year Strong (and why it matters so much!)
Nov 10 2022
How To Finish The Year Strong (and why it matters so much!)
Want to know how your 2023 is going to unfold? Then look at how your 2022 finished.  Endings have an outsized influence on beginnings, so if you want to start the new year strong, then you need to finish this year on a high note. Luckily, it's actually not that hard to do. Listen in to see what I mean, and then be sure to grab my free How To Finish Strong Guide so you can end the year on a high note! Want to connect directly with me? Find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet, ask me your clutter question. More Resources: If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six-step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
How Self-Care Can Help You Declutter Your Life
Oct 18 2022
How Self-Care Can Help You Declutter Your Life
Engaging in the right kind of self-care might be one of the quickest ways to begin decluttering your life.  Spoiler: I'm not talking about spa days and meditation retreats. Not that there's anything wrong with those, but there's a different way of looking at self-care that can have a lasting impact on your mental and emotional well-being. It's a way of caring for yourself that can eliminate much of the internal inner clutter that casts a cloud over our days. Listen for my take on the importance of self-care and how it's a critical part of living a clutter-free life. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six-step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question.  Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
The Number One Reason Decluttering and Organizing Projects Fail
Nov 1 2021
The Number One Reason Decluttering and Organizing Projects Fail
What do decluttering and organizing have in common? They're both projects, right? This means to be your most effective you need to put on your project manager hat. Why? Because one of the biggest threats to any project is scope creep. It's something project managers are always on the lookout for. It's the leading cause of project failures.  If you've ever started a decluttering or organizing project but didn't finish, it's likely scope creep was part of the problem. Listen in to hear what it looks like and what to do about it. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six-step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question.   Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
How To Push Past Fear Quickly and Easily (for real!)
Oct 15 2021
How To Push Past Fear Quickly and Easily (for real!)
If you're not doing everything you want to do, it's probably because fear is tricking you into staying stuck. Sounds harsh, but for most of us, it's true. Fear often stops us from taking action and following through on our ambitions. Luckily, we don't have to settle. We can push past the fear using this super simple and oh-so-powerful four-step process. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six-step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question.    Special Note: If you're enjoying this podcast and ready to accelerate your decluttering efforts, I invite you to sign up for my Clutter Control 101 E-Course. It's a holistic approach to decluttering and organizing, where we don't just treat the problem, we solve it! It's deeply discounted right now to just $19 (psst: that's a $60 savings!).  Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
Clarify Your Goals: How To Know Exactly What Goal To Focus On First
Oct 4 2021
Clarify Your Goals: How To Know Exactly What Goal To Focus On First
When you have multiple goals, trying to decide which goal to focus on first can be crazy-making. Far too often, we bounce back and forth, doing some of this, some of that, and never making much progress on any of them.  It's frustrating to put in the effort and never get any sense of satisfaction. It doesn't have to be like that though. I'm sharing a simple process to help you decide exactly what goal to focus first on so that you can more easily reach every other goal. It's a game-changer! Plus, I'm sharing what goal I'm focusing on right now and why I chose it. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six-step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question.   Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
Part 6: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - How To Keep Your Energy Up
Aug 28 2021
Part 6: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - How To Keep Your Energy Up
This mini-season focuses on bridging the gap between dreaming and doing.  We're on episode 6 of 6, where I'm sharing a strategy to help you keep your energy level up. Spoiler: It's not about exercise, nutrition, or getting more rest.  There's a bonus benefit to implementing this idea, it will help you reduce stress. And it takes nothing more than a little imagination to make it work. If you're long-time listener, I'll be back with a brand new season on September 1st, but I would wholly encourage you to listen, and maybe even relisten, to this mini-series, because it will help you lay a strong foundation for creating any kind of change you seek. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your decluttering question.       Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
Part 5: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - Why Leniency is as Important as Discipline
Aug 21 2021
Part 5: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - Why Leniency is as Important as Discipline
This mini-season focuses on bridging the gap between dreaming and doing.  We're on episode 5 of 6 where I'm sharing why leniency toward yourself is as important as discipline. If you're struggling with building discipline you need to listen. I'm giving counterintuitive guidance but when you hear it, it will make perfects sense. Plus, implementing it will help you reduce mental and emotional clutter.  And I've got an easy strategy to help you turn negative self-talk, into something empowering.   If you're long-time listener, I'll be back with a brand new season on September 1st, but I would wholly encourage you to listen, and maybe even relisten, to this mini-series, because it will help you lay a strong foundation for creating any kind of change you seek. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your decluttering question.      Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
Part 4: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - Why Belief in Yourself Is Critical & How To Develop It
Aug 14 2021
Part 4: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - Why Belief in Yourself Is Critical & How To Develop It
This mini-season focuses on bridging the gap between dreaming and doing.  We're on episode 4 of 6 where I'm sharing why belief in yourself is actually the deciding factor in whether you succeed or not.  If you're struggling with believing in yourself, you'll want to listen in because I'm providing evidence that will help you realize you've got what it takes to go after your goals. Plus, I'm sharing a personal tidbit about me and my struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem.  If you're long-time listener, I'll be back with a brand new season on September 1st, but I would wholly encourage you to listen, and maybe even relisten, to this mini-series, because it will help you lay a strong foundation for creating any kind of change you seek. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your decluttering question.     Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
Part 3: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - Why Awareness Is Essential and How To Practice It
Aug 4 2021
Part 3: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - Why Awareness Is Essential and How To Practice It
This mini-season focuses on bridging the gap between dreaming and doing.  We're on episode 3 of 6 where we're learning why you must practice self-awareness and I'm sharing two ways to help you become more aware.  One is specific to decluttering and will help you become more discerning about what you allow into your space. The other is will help you apply what you learn from any experience, so you can enjoy continuous improvement.  If you're long-time listener, I'll be back with a brand new season on September 1st, but I would wholly encourage you to listen, and maybe even relisten, to this mini-series, because it will help you lay a strong foundation for creating any kind of change you seek. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your decluttering question.    Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
Part 2: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - How To Be More Intentional
Jul 25 2021
Part 2: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - How To Be More Intentional
This mini-season focuses on bridging the gap between dreaming and doing using the VIABLE Goal Framework. It's a process that will help you gain clarity around your vision and create consistency so you can bring that vision to life. We're on episode 2 of 6 where we're exploring the role of intentional living and learning how we can make the shift from reactive to proactive.   If you're long-time listener, I'll be back with a brand new season on September 1st, but I would wholly encourage you to listen, and maybe even relisten, to this mini-series, because it will help you lay a strong foundation for creating any kind of change you seek. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your decluttering question.   Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
Part 1: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - The 3 Critical Elements of a VIABLE Goal
Jul 17 2021
Part 1: Bridging The Gap Between Dreaming and Doing - The 3 Critical Elements of a VIABLE Goal
Ready to bridge the gap between dreaming and doing? This episode will help you do it.  Before we dive in, you should know that this is the first in a 6 part series, or mini-season if you will, where I am going to walk you through a process that will help you gain clarity around your vision and create consistency so you can bring that vision to life. It's called the VIABLE Goal Framework and it will help you move from goal setter to goal getter! If you're long-time listener, I'll be back with a brand new season on September 1st, but I would wholly encourage you to listen, and maybe even relisten, to this mini-series, because it will help you lay a strong foundation for creating any kind of change you seek. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question.  Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
Decluttering: How To Hush The Little Voice That Says "You Should Keep It"
Dec 15 2020
Decluttering: How To Hush The Little Voice That Says "You Should Keep It"
You made a decision, you're ready to let something go. Yay for you! But then that little voice pipes up and says, "Hey, what are you doing, girl? That might be useful someday. You shouldn't give it away." You stop and think, "Maybe I'm not making the right decision after all. Maybe I should hold on to this thing." Boom! Just like that you wind up keeping the very thing you were so ready to let go. Ugh. But it doesn't have to be like that. We have the power to remove all that frustration. And I've got a one-two punch that will help you do just that. It's a simple strategy that will have you hushing up that little voice in no uncertain terms. So get ready to clear the clutter with confidence!If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question.  Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
How To Fall In Love With Your Schedule
Dec 8 2020
How To Fall In Love With Your Schedule
Have you ever woken up and realized that the day ahead of you is going to feel like nails on a chalkboard sound? Or worse, realized that just before drifting off to dreamland, meaning sleep is not exactly going to be your friend? If not, count yourself supernaturally lucky.But if you're like most of us and find yourself over-committing and resenting it, this episode will help you ditch all that stress. It's about really evaluating what we say yes to to start with. Or in other words, deactivating our people pleasing default behavior (seriously, we've got to shut. it. down.)After all, our time is precious, right? And saying yes to something we'll regret later is self sabotage, so use this tip to help eliminate that possibility altogether! Consider it a lesson in self care 101. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question. Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
The Silver Lining To A Covid Holiday Season
Dec 1 2020
The Silver Lining To A Covid Holiday Season
This is the perfect year to declutter your holiday traditions. If you've been yearning to try something new, this is your year, thanks to the pandemic.Now, I am not here to minimize what’s happening, things are serious. However, at times like this, I think it’s critical we don’t give up our personal power and allow ourselves to be fully devoured by the situation. ⠀As trite as it might sound, we need to remember that in every crisis, there is opportunity. And it's up to us to seek it out and leverage it. From my perspective, this holiday season has endless opportunities to redefine what the holidays are about and clear away the clutter that shrouds the meaningful aspects. Listen in to hear just what I mean. Psst: If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question.   Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)
The Sly Way Clutter Takes Root
Aug 27 2019
The Sly Way Clutter Takes Root
Get ready for a story, because this episode is the sad little tale of how clutter typically takes hold. Spoiler: In general, there is no grand event to blame. Clutter is caused by (gasp!) our decisions. And not the biggies, but the everyday choices we make. FYI - This actually great news. If clutter is rooted in the smallest decisions, then we can start weeding it out just by making better decisions. Tune in to hear exactly what I mean and learn how simple reversing course really is. If you're ready to declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.For ongoing motivation and support, join our private Facebook group: Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy. Want to connect directly with me? Find me on Facebook and Instagram. Say hello, or better yet ask me your clutter question. Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn. We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)